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The three of them look at each other. 

Christopher: Well to explain that we would have to go a ways back. 

William: Well let's start with the simple facts first. We are brothers, triplets to be exact. Christopher was born first 2 hours before I was born, and then 4 hours after me came Jonathon.

Jonathon: We are a race called the Nav'u. We are dying out because of the low birthrates  of our females. So we were able to genetically.. provide the ability for our males to have children.

William: Yes a few centuries ago we were forced to run and hide from the rebellion of our people who believed that men should not be allowed to conceive children.

Jonathon: But female birth rates have been getting lower each year that passes it's a have to. 

Christopher: The rebellion believes that we shouldn't be genetically modifying males to bear children but instead be genetically modifying males to be females.

Blaze: What?

William: I thought it was a stupid but they were very serious about it. They want to change every aspect of a male child to match that of a female adult capable of bearing children.

Christopher: Of course the majority of us didn't agree but our leader did, and he tried to have all who disagreed executed. 

Jonathon: Not like we were already low on Nav'u but he wanted to execute more then half of his kingdom. 

Christopher: So those who could get away ran, and a few of us landed here on earth. Including us and half of our body guards. We were about to take off and join the others on an uninhabited planet capable of sustaining life when we found you. 

Jonathon: You are basically the result of what we did to a select few of our males. Once the procedure is done on one they are able to conceive a child that is just like them. It  very rare to find one of those now though since lots where killed during the escape.

William: The moment we did, we knew you were one of us. And we would like you to come with us.

Blaze: Hold on hold on. WHAT?

Jonathon: What do you mean what? We just explained everything to you. 

Blaze: Okay then may I ask a few questions before answering your question?

Christopher: Fine but make them quick we wanted to take off after dinner.

Blaze: Wait after dinner?! I can't leave Linda! We are best friends and she has no idea what happened to me.

Christopher: Just ask your questions. 

Blaze: No. I am not going with you I don't care if I am this mythical bride or whatever, I can't and I won't leave my best friend behind.

William: Well we can't exactly bring her with us.

Blaze: That's a great idea bring her along with us. I love the way you think.

William: Wait I just said we can't! She has no one to protect her and I don't know how the rest of our kind will react to us bringing a human along.

Blaze: I'll protect her and anyways if she doesn't come with me, I'm not going with you.

I swear I was pouting like a baby but I can't leave Linda alone. We have been friends long before we were in diapers... yes we were friends in the womb. That's how close we are to each other. Of course we have different parents and we weren't twins but we like to think that we were friends before we even met.

William lets out a huge sigh and looks to Jonathon and Christopher. 

Jonathon: Don't look at me, he was arguing with you. 

Christopher: I don't mind if we bring her along but she's Blazes responsibility.

Blaze: HELL YA!!!! I swear you will love her she is awesome, sometimes crazy....okay a little more then sometimes. But she's great!

William: ookaaay.

I pick at the food on my plate, try a little nibble of the meat like things, and they tasted amazing!

Blaze: Okay so my first question is Do all Nav'u have body guards?

Christopher: No. Just the important Nav'u.

Blaze: The important ones...

William: Yes he just said that. Now do you know your friends phone number? Here's my phone.

Blaze: You're changing the subject. Why do you guys have body guards?

All three of them go silent and William hands me his phone. 

William: We will be in the kitchen when you are done. Its the door to the right of the one you came through.

They all stand up and leave. I  take Williams phone in my hand and look at the screen. It's a slide to unlock so it was easy to get in. I quickly dial Linda's number and wait for her to pick up. 

Two rings later I hear a scream on the other side that makes me jump right out of my skin.

Linda: BLAZE!! about time you called! How did it go? Did you meet them? How were they? Where are you? How are you? Tell me everything!

Blaze: I will have to fill you in on everything but right now you are coming with us. If you want to anyways. 

Linda: Come with you where?

Blaze: Like come with us forever like leaving the planet forever ever.

Linda: You know I'd follow you to the ends of the universe but you got to tell me what's up once I'm with you. Let me pack some clothes and I will call you when I am ready.

With that the phone called ended and I stood up and walked over to what I was told was the kitchen door. I slightly push it open just a crack to see Jonathon, Christopher, and William circled around a small table talking quietly to each other. 

The door creaked and they all froze and looked up at me. I smile sheepishly like I was caught doing something I shouldn't be doing. 

Blaze: So I called Linda and she said she would lobe to come along and she is just packing some clothes and will call me when she is finished. I was just wondering how we are going to get her.

William: We already sent a body guard towards her place she should be here in the next 30 minutes. 

Blaze: Okay. Sooooo... I have another question.... How do you guys feel about having sex with the same person and knowing that your sibling had sex with that person as well?

As if they were one person they all answer together. WIERD!

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