The Other Side

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Sithara POV

" I can't believe ,they planned to make you go to a date with a such a guy!" I exclaimed angrily to Shruthi.

" Oh no, what happened Sithara? " She asked me

" That guy ,i just met him for the first time and i hate him already, he is such a hypocrite you know " I still can't believe her parents set her up with that jerk . Shruthi is the just the opposite of me in everything thats why maybe we are inseparable  since childhood.

We both studied in same school ,finished MBBS too together now we both are planning to do PG together ,we have finished our entrance examination and just waiting for the results but before that all these drama should happen.

Yesterday i got a call from my bestfriend saying suddenly her parents are trying to fix her with a alliance but she is not interested in setting down right now just like me but poor her ,her parents are friends with that boy's parents and they really want to set them up.

So i decided to help her out though Shruthi was little bit hesitant about doing it ,i still insisted her that i'll some how reject the offer.Turns out he is such a dumb guy, why cause though Shruthi didn't see his pic ,i heard her parents already sent her pic but that guy acted like he didn't know me , either he really hadn't seen Shruthi or he is a big jerk who flirts with girls.

I did go early and guess what that asshole was early so i decided to make him suffer to see his patience level in waiting .But that guy ,he is so cold he just started the conversation with your late, didn't his parents teach him manners ,he didn't even answer my question, though i asked him whether he is Akash just to confirm.

Anyways back to the matter at hand,Shruthi got a call at evening from Akash ,turns out that the guy whom i met is not him.I am so happy for Shruthi cause he is not that jerk. But still that guy...." Are you even listening to me Sithara?, You started zoning out....i spoke to Akash and apologised from our side ,the matter is cleared ,so chill okay"

"What do you mean chill, they tried cheating you by changing identify ,what if you had believed...."

" No Sithara , Akash is a good guy ,he apologised politely to me and explained what happened ,even he was forced in this date, he understands my problem really well you know." Oh Shruthi ,what am i going to do with you ,you are such an angel and i think she likes that Akash cause otherwise she won't be defending him .

" You know ,he even promised that he'll take care of his friend and won't cause any bother ,now do you believe he is a good guy .By the way do you even know who you met today ,i mean his friend its none other than Abh-

" Enough of this Shruthi ,i dont want to hear anything about that jerk, he and his arrogance" how i wish i could punch his arrogant ugly face.... really ugly ,okay fine he was slightly handsome ,no very well handsome but his character....

"Sithara ,you are again zoning out, do you even hear me-

" Yeah ,yeah by the way tomorrow is our results see u later than bye " .

......Next day.........

Today both of our results came guess what we both have cleared and got admitted in our dream campus in  Mumbai but only am going there to study which makes me sad, i'll really miss my bestie ,she is not coming cause her parents asked her to pursue it in her hometown guess what that ediot ditched me without even rebelling like a goody two shoes.

Anyways , i am right now in our favourite ice cream parlour ,our usual get together spot waiting for Shruthi .

Suddenly i see a middle aged woman fainting next to me ,thank god i was close to her i was able to catch her otherwise i dont want to imagine.

I think if my assumption is right she fainted due to dehydration cause she was sweating profusely when she came inside i noticed ,anyways I'll check her properly once she wakes up.

.... After some time.....

" Aunty we checked all your vitals, you are completely normal ,you fainted only cause of dehydration next time please be careful okay."i told her softly

" Thank you so much my dear, its just stress that's catching me up these days ,i'll take care ,no issues i am a doctor too, my name is are such a sweetheart heart ,whats your name my dear ?" She asked me sweetly

"Oh wow you are a doc too ,that's so cool by the way am Dr. Sithara aunty"

" Nice to meet you ,dear" she replied and she was about to ask something ,when i looked at my time ...
" Shoot , aunty am really sorry, it was nice meeting you too but am getting late ,see you another time okay bye "i said and rushed.

Little did i know this encounter with her is gonna change my whole life ...

So what do you think about our heroine's encounter ,can you  guess why her encounter with Dr. Anu is gonna change her life....Stay tuned ...until next update...
See you soon my lovely readers.

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