Meeting the Little Witch

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Abhimanyu POV

Its been a week since that encounter with that little witch, but still i couldn't forget her and her rejection .It kept taunting my mind all the time cause i was never rejected by a girl before ,its not that am being cocky here its just am stating the fact ,ever since i was a kid i was used to attention maybe cause of my looks, money or status or whatever it is ,i never bothered but this girl i don't why its not just her rejection ,i really felt intrigued seeing her.

" Abhi are you even listening to me ? That girl...." I don't know whether its the timing or not ,its not just me who is intrigued by a girl but my mom too. Apparently my mom met a girl too ,who helped when mom fainted ,ever since that mom cant stop gushing about her. Its not surprising mom talking about a girl to me, she always tries to match me with someone but this is the first time i see mom so impressed that she can't stop speaking about her for a second.

" Mom ,i have heard this story for the past week nearly hundred times ,please spare me okay." I begged her literally cause i am really tired from back to back meetings, travel, cases and lastly my life should be more burdened  by a girl named Sithara . Speaking of which ,i can't believe that little witch name is Sithara too ,maybe she is no stop assuming too much Abhimanyu i chastised myself.

" Oh Abhi, okay take some rest and don't forget to reach the venue on time" my mom instructed me still like a small kid, no matter how much i grow according to my mom she still treats me like a baby. Actually today there is a inaugural party for me as a new Chairman.

"Mom, i know don't worry I'll be there okay "i responded slowly.

" Then see you directly there, bye"mom went to hospital cause she has an important case to see.

.........At the auditorium.........

I was getting ready and suddenly mom bursted inside my room along with someone .

As soon as i saw her my eyes widened in shock but i quickly composed myself .

"Abhi, look who i brought to meet you, its Sithara about whom i was telling you" my mom exclaimed so excitedly.

" Oh its my pleasure to meet the one and only Dr. Sithara "i told her in a mocking tone .I did expect a witty come back but that little witch was still in shock it seems she didn't reply anything just stood there staring at me. Oh little witch how i wished to meet you again starts the fun.

" Okay, you both talk i need to meet someone " my mom said and she started leaving .Mom i know what you are trying to do so well, but don't worry i have something better planned for this witch standing here ,i smirked internally.

" I know i look very handsome ,are you gonna just stand there gawking at me or see i am really busy and i dont have all day" i told her in a cocky tone just to bring out some reaction from her.

Her eyes, damn those eyes .All of sudden from shocked it turned to rage pure rage .Thank god my witch is back. Did i say my witch....

" Hey, Mr.Abhimanyu its you who is gawking at me for the past few minutes ,i kept calling you but you were zoned out ,are you alright cause if not i can check up on you " she exclaimed not so in a cool tone like last time.

" Oh really , you wanna check me, please go ahead ,which part are you planning to start first ?" I questioned her

Her eyes widened more if possible ,what a pair of eyes they are ,it can swallow anybody.

" I can't believe ,i prepared a speech to praise you , i need to change it first !" She exclaimed loudly and marched out like last time before as usual before i could respond .

I was busy looking at her that's when i realised she was talking about my inaugural function.Shoot am late ,let me get ready first and then deal with that little witch in a leisure manner now that i have seen her . Just wait and watch liitle witch i will not only make you praise me from that loud mouth of yours.....i smirked and got ready.

So my lovely readers, the cat has met the mouse ,what do you think is gonna happen next..... please do comment something ......catch you guys in next update bye.

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