Woman and Compliments

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Today is going to be a hectic day as usual,I sighed looking at my schedule.So,I decided to get ready fast after finishing my morning routine and go downstairs.

Once I reached the dining table,i greeted mom and sat down.As usual it was an utter silence except for the clinking sound of our cutlery,it's not that our family doesn't communicate or something its just we don't talk during breakfast cause each own has his own timings and own job to run for.

Grandpa and Siddhu hasn't come down yet from their rooms.Grandpa was always a punctual person but ever since he handed me the chairman post he seems to be relaxed and we also insisted him to sleep more and come little late cause no matter how much he denies,he is still getting old,so rest is must for him.Siddhu is totally another story,he doesn't know 'a,b,c' about getting up early.

Whereas,Dad is the worst of all of us,he follows a total different timing pattern,sometimes working so late at night in his lab whereas sometimes he gets up too early even before the sun rises,'saying brain cells work more efficiently at night times',anyways this is his statement when questioned not mine okay and I just quoted it.

Oh,if you guys are wondering what my dad does,let me clarify it to you all.My dad is one of the best in our country in terms of Forsensic research and criminology.He has his own private firm which is run by him,its one of the finest cause even some top cases of government which went unsolved were finished easily by my Dad's firm.My dad is his owns boss and he hates working for someone else no matter how much we or grandpa insisted, he never accepted a job in our institute.

Anyways back to our topic,now that I know what everyone's routine is,I was wondering what a certain witch is doing now cause at first I thought her to be like Siddhu in terms of punctuality but later I regretted myself for judging her quickly cause I did see her in park early morning few times during my jogging session but that was mostly during weekends when I saw her and at that time she was staying in hostel inside the campus. As if hearing my thoughts about her,the little witch graced us with her presence which I could tell without looking back just from hearing her soft,melodic anklet sounds.

Once reaching the dinning table,she greeted mom first and here i was thinking she would ignore me but she surprised me by placing a huge dish in front of me asking me to open it and try it,she also went onto tell that she specifically prepared for me and it was her signature recipe and none could match her culinary skill in this particular item .

To be honest I was curious what was inside it but I was also scared to try it out cause she said she specifically prepared which is what makes me suspicious,what if she had put some sedative or purgative in it to take revenge on me moreover she is smiling too much today which is giving me weird vibes.If your thinking it is good vibes,no its not, it that crazy creepy vibes I was getting today from her.

No matter how tempting the dish seems to be,I have to be on safer side when it comes to her so I replied
" No, I already finished my breakfast.I am already full and i usually try to keep my morning appetite lite.Thanks for your effort though,you can give it to some else if you want.Some other time I will definitely try, okay."

Hearing this her facial expression changed suddenly from all excited to hurt and I almost regretted telling her that.

" Abhi,she is just asking you to give it a try,she didn't ask you to eat the whole thing. Don't be rude and learn to appreciate people's feelings!" My mom explained irritated with my behavior.

I sighed shaking my head,if these two woman before me decides one day to dress me as clown,I have no other choice but to do it, you see,cause facing the wrath of two woman that too in the morning is not the best way to start a day.So I nodded my head and went to taste the damned dish.

But surprisingly it tasted pretty good and I even wanted to moan out loudly but I somehow controlled my urges and acted all tough but I couldn't resist reaching out for another spoon cause my walls do crumble sometimes, come on,who doesn't when it comes to tasty food.

Somebody cleared their throat to gain my attention so I turned to see two woman standing before me with hopeful expressions on their face and they are expecting my comment.I decided not to waste time so i replied
" It does taste fine"which I tell you is the biggest mistake I made.

My mom suddenly shouted outraged" Only fine?"

" No mom,am sorry,it tasted good."

" Only good?" That witch before me exclaimed.

" No,it tasted very good" I corrected myself hoping my compliment now atleast would satisfy them.

But to my dismay,they both looked more offended and shouted together" Only very good?"

Thats when I realized the poor fate of all male population in this world cause no matter how you compliment them,they won't be satisfied until you assure them they are the best.Today,I could somehow relate to the misery of grandpa and dad cause when I was young I used to wonder why do they sit and compliment them during each and every occasion,sometimes even the poor dishes of grandma and mom's asthough its the world's best dish but now I understand completely their situation.

" It tasted perfect,are you both happy now?" I asked outraged at their behavior.

And as expected a triumph smile appeared on those two's face.

Seeing that beautiful smile my irritation flew away and I realized another thing also that day , that is to make smiles' such as these appear often on their faces, you can taste not just one good dish but hundred poor dishes and still compliment them saying it tasted heavenly.

After all if woman are happy,the whole family becomes naturally happy!

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