The Confrontation

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Sithara's POV

The finale started just now, the full auditorium is completely packed especially to witness this round.I hope I give my best and here it goes,the show begins.

" Dr. Sithara and Dr.Roshan,best of luck for the finale ,I hope you guys already know the rules ....." The host wished us and began to explain the rules once more mostly for the audience sake.

" Dr.Sithara ,are you ready to
answer ? " Its my turn first cause of the chit I picked which is the deciding mechanism for which participant should start first and to my luck, I got the chit-1.

The cardiology dept HOD / Dr.Anu will be the one who questions me, I waited patiently and listened to her question.Many might think that just cause she is close to me ,she will go easy on me but that's not true infact what happened was quite the opposite ,she gave me a very tough case scenario to present and I did try my best I guess.

Once I finished, it was Dr.Roshan's turn ,now it's my dept HOD's turn to ask the question.Just like the audience even I was damn curious to know what question he will ask, cause we are talking about ' The Dr. Abhimanyu' here.

But he suprised not only me, the audience but also Dr.Roshan as well by giving a very simple case to present and Dr.Roshan being the topper he is ,aced it.

Just from the looks of it ,I knew I lost today's win cause of that jerk if only he had asked a tougher question,I would have chance but right now I know am gonna lose.

The whole auditoriums was in pin drop silence awaiting the result. Though I knew I had zero chances ,I was still anxious to know the results that I could hear my own heartbeat.

Suddenly when the host was about to announce the result, Dr.Prathap signaled and took the mic and spoke ' I am going to announce the winner not only considering the marks obtained but also given the question and the approach to his / her answer.So here we go, the winner of today's quiz is Dr.Sithra'" he announced loudly and the crowd went cheering that I froze hearing all these.God,please don't wake me from this beautiful dream I prayed internally but it was indeed reality and one of the best moments of life I will cherish forever.

........At the Success Party ......

Lot of people kept on wishing me and I never smiled this much in my whole life I swear, that my cheek hurts...but I was so badly wanting to meet someone and hear his wish.

Though I said before I give zero credits to that Jerk but it was cause of his action I won so I owe him big time .Speaking of him, I never saw him after they announced the winner and he hasn't wished me yet, moreover he hasn't arrived to the party ,I sighed for the hundredth time today.

Meanwhile I saw Dr.Roshan sitting in one corner with a glass of drink in his hand ,so I decided to wish him . Though I won ,I still feel he is the one who truly deserves it for his hardwork.

When I approached him, lot of people were already congratulating him so I waited patiently but I could see he was in a foul mood , nevertheless I thought of wishing him cause he deserves it.

But to my suprise he behaved so rudely and asked random questions which I don't understand frankly speaking.

" Dr.Roshan I understand your feelings , I know how much of importance this quiz is for you and I honestly feel your the winn-"

" Will you please stop your drama and answer my question ,how much money did you get?" He bursted angrily ,throwing his glass onto the floor which gained lot of attention from the people in the party.

" Whoah,whoah, calm down man ,what's wrong with you ? Why are you behaving like this to her?" Sidhhu suddenly tried to talk to Dr.Roshan

" Siddhu, I thought she is an angel, but am wrong man,she got money from Abhi to execute this drama and bring me down"I gasped hearing his accusation.

" Shit , you are completely drunk man, what's wrong with you ?,You never touched alcohol before" Siddhu stated.

"Oh Siddhu my brother ,are you even listening to me, don't believe her man, she is a great actress,trust me" Dr.Roshan exclaimed loudly.

" Enough nonsense ,you are not in your right sense,let's talk tomorrow okay, please man" Sidhhu tried to coax him to giving in.

But Dr Roshan continued saying  "Siddhu, don't tell me she bewitched you too ,why are you supporting her" he asked dumbly, making Siddhu go angry too with his further accusation.

" Roshan ,behave! People are watching. This is not you at all, i understand your feelings but what you did to Dr.Sithara is wrong, apologize at once" Dr.Anu ordered .

" Mom, not you too ,please someone believe me, she is acting according to Abhi's tunes, she is his puppet,trust me " he started talking nonsense.

" Roshan, you are not in your right sense ,stop this drama at once .Dont utter nonsense about my son " Aunty scolded him

" Which son are you talking about ,that bastard one ah,  who has no status , no family name ,the one who is not your true bloo-"

A big slap echoed through the whole place.I am literally shocked here.

Dear readers, are you shocked too?
Do you believe Roshan's words?
If Dr.Abhimanyu is not from their family then who is he?
Plz vote and comment your opinions.See you in next chapter update, take care bye.

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