Unraveling the Mystery

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I was looking at her keenly because she was looking creepy right now smiling ear to ear looking at the wall .

" Stop giving creepy vibes & answer my question"i muttered irritated.

" What question?" She asked cooly looking at me asthough am an alien standing infront of her.So, its confirmed that this witch was not speaking to me for the past few minutes but to herself, unfortunately for her,she blurted out lot of information in shock so am definitely going to dig until i fish out all the things she is hiding from me.

"I knew you were deaf but didn't know your cochlea was damaged beyond repair." I exclaimed

" That's all you have got i see,i expected more taunting from you, anyways carry on & i bet i won't feel bad one bit cause am in a positive mood since i got the information i came here for"she spoke overweeningly.

" Oh really then how about me contacting that Mrinalini or whoever it is cause trust me if i can't get information from you,i have my own ways" I tried to bait her and i did succeed in getting the reaction i wanted.

" How dare you, you blackmail me like that, you je-

" Stop right there, one word bad about me from your mouth ,phew! your career is over just like that. Don't forgot am your boss here, not you"i spoke smirking.

" What do you want?" She spoke in a defeated tone.So much opposite for the confident speech she gave not even few minutes back,i thought internally.

"I want information,start spilling" i commanded hoping it would work & suprisingly it did but i actually got disappointed since i expected a comeback cause i enjoy having ear spitting fights with her those arguments somehow boost me subconsciously.I scoffed at myself for someone who talks very less,what am I thinking now, me enjoying not just talks with her but arguments,i think am definitely going crazy here all because this witch standing in front of me.

" Okay i give up i will tell you all that you need to know but in return i just want to you to help me, please!" She spoke softly to me for the first time since i met her & i melted internally at her pleading tone but to keep my head straight i acted tough.

" Okay go ahead, i promise you that i will help to the best of my ability but if its within my reach and i can't guarantee for something important without knowing what kind of help you are expecting" i clarified to her.

" Yeah, yeah i get it " she spoke

" Okay then what are you waiting for just spill the secret" i pushed her again trying to get the information i needed.

" Well to begin with you already know i have a bestie named Shruthi but its not just her actually. She has a small sister named Mrinalini who is like a small sis to me as well for whom am doing all this" she spoke & sighed.

" I don't get it ,how will Shruthi's sister become my sister. You even went forward to accuse my dad's character by saying its his daughter" i spoke defensively

" You!" She pointed a finger at me and told" Can you wait till i finish my story patiently without interrupting & you can ask all your questions at the end, i will answer".

"Okay fine go ahead" i asked her to continue & gesturing i won't interupt by zipping my mouth . She actually smiled for the first time genuinely seeing my action since i have met her & she looked breathtaking.She cleared her throat & that got my attention.

"Though she was younger to us, she was way smart than us in many things. We three were inseparable since childhood,you know. She is always special not because she is suffering from dyslexia but she is a child prodigy in music"

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