Brainy Jerk

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Sithara POV
I got so pissed cause of his attitude that i stormed out before i end up doing something i might regret later. After this encounter ,i am really confused ,how could he become a Chairman ,that too a person with that cocky attitude.

I was busy thinking about this issue,when suddenly someone called me " Hey Sithara, you always appear to be preoccupied ,i really want to know what's cooking up in that brain of yours" he joked. I chuckled but if only he knew about whom i was doubting he won't be that cheery i guess.

" Oh, common on Sithara tell me what's wrong ,who knows i might help you this time as well" saying this he winked .I really wonder how can two brothers be polar opposites Siddhu is such a gentleman unlike certain 'A class jerk' who often ends up irritating me just by his mere presence.

I sighed big time and told him straight without beating around the bush" I met your brother " .

" Now i am able to relate what's the issue, don't take it seriously okay, he is always behaves like that especially to girls you see . He might appear cold and aloof but only people who are close to him knows what a gem of a person he is..
." Saying this he started praising his bro but i was shocked to hear his reply for two reasons ,what does he mean by always behaves like that to girls and " what do you mean by cold and aloof, infact he was quite the opposite" i bursted once again irritated.

" What are you saying , now am curious ?" Saying this he started thinking so hard and suddenly he looked at me and smiled so cheekily asthough he has solved the toughest maths problem .

" I did guess that when i saw you that you are different but i never expected you will become so important so soon, anyways i must say this at once to mom, all the best for your speech, see you later" saying all this in one go he rushed ,i guess to meet aunty maybe.

I was flabbergasted even more after hearing Siddhu's statement ,what does he mean by me important and all. Anyways, before meeting that jerk my life was so peaceful now not only am going crazy but i guess sane people like Siddhu are going as well, who knows i shrugged.

.......At the Party.........

I was never this tensed about something in my life before ,though i had some moments where i was anxious but this is altogether different.I am not nervous cause i have to speak infront of so many great delegates of medicine field, in fact it was quite the opposite i was tense cause the speech was prepared by me and Siddhu .Most part was written by him cause he is more familiar with the topic am gonna speak but before i had the time to review what he has written ,i was already pushed to the podium cause it was time.

Like usual speeches it started with a warm welcome to the audience and then i proceeded to cheerily address the gathering about Dr.Prathap ,the former chairman about his contributions to this campus ,this part was written by me so i handled it well but when the part came where i had to praise creation jerk , i started reading robotically from the paper.

It was all going well, but i could feel someone boring holes at my back with his gaze ,i just ignored his presence and continued reading nonchalantly but what caught my attention is that there was a part of speech which stated that Dr.Abhimanyu was not only the best outgoing student from this campus or a graduate from Harvard ,he was more than that ,he was a pioneer in the field of medical research for the past few years it seems, he started his research right from his UG days ,his anatomy research paper about the effects of yoga on adolescent children bone growth , bagged the best ICMR project and scholarship.

I was shocked to read all this, i bet all these were Siddhu's input, it further stated that his research journal in paediatrics about stress on kids and how it affected their mental health, reached best citations and was one of the world wide most sought out paper. He also treated all those affected kids who were taken in that survey,who were suffering from stress.

So far he has 8 best research publications and many best accomplished journals .His current ongoing research about finding a single common vaccine to a broad spectrum of virus, is highly expected from many companies and also sponsored by the govt. itself.

After reading all this, i almost felt guilty for judging him too quickly cause he seems to be a medical genius no wonder he became chairman at such a young age. So, i decided to apologise politely to him while giving away the flower bouquet.

When it was time to give him the bouquet, he suddenly smirked and shook my hands for a handshake , i tried to remove my hands from his hold but he held it tightly , guessing this is the right moment ,i mumbled in a small tone" Am really sorry ,Dr. Abhimanyu for judging you so quickly".

I waited for his response politely but unlike any sane person, guess what he did ,he took my hands which was still in his hands near his mouth and kissed my knuckles. I was shocked by his behaviour ,i expected him to say okay or just ignore me like a small fly but his PDA brought multiple gasps and murmurs from the audience that's when i realised where we were. So i quickly pulled my hand but he came near me and whispered just so only i could hear" Don't be for now, you will get your turn to be so sorry after i am done with you " saying this he squeezed my hand one last time and moved so cooly to the podium to address the gathering as though nothing happened just now.

I got pissed ,how could he do this, unlike him i did apologize eventhough it was not my fault entirely but he had to go ruin my hopes of him being a gentleman.Did i say i feel guilty ,few moments ago, scratch that.Now i am completely sure he is one big jerk,no no wait not just jerk ,a 'Brainy jerk' he is.

How was this chapter my dear readers,what do you think about Dr. Abhimanyu, is he a jerk or a brainy or a brainy jerk as Sithara thinks,
plz do comment and vote guys .It will motivate me to update very soon. Thanks for reading ,take care ,unit next update.Bye!

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