Secrets, Betrayal & Pain

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Roshan's POV

I never drank this much in my whole life,  infact to be honest this is my first time touching an alcohol.

Yeah i am a  doctor that too a cardiologist, i know the consequences of drinking on one's health but I don't give a damn right now cause today is my dream day ,that too the success party of the quiz, the day i have been waiting for so long ,ever since i have been a kid.

Lots of people kept on coming and congratulating me for my performance but it all went to deaf ears cause i am not in the right mindstate ,i just focused on my drink until i heard a sweet voice call me to get my attention and congratulate me just like others.

I laughed pathetically looking at my own situation, i have always wanted people's attention towards me, especially of hers. Today here i am, getting all that but i am not happy at all, not one percent and its all because of her.

I kept on laughing like a mad man until that sweet voice interrupted me once again.

" Did i say something wrong or funny, i dont get why you are laughing mockingly. Anyways am Dr.Sithara, its a pleasure meeting you Dr.Roshan."

"Oh cut the crap will you, i know who you are, your history , biography and  your treachery too, very well okay" i said coldly. She gasped hearing my response.

Its this innocent facade which made me fall in the first place but thanks to a big reality check am not a fool anymore.

" Look if you are angry about what happened today ,i completely understand but that doesn't mean you-"

" How much money ?" I cut her and asked straight to the point.

" What nonsense are you talking ,i dont understand" she exclaimed.

" Oh sweetheart ,still acting innocent i see" i mocked her once again. The memories of how i met her for the first time is still so fresh in my mind.


My name is Roshan, ever since i have been a kid, i wanted to become a doctor, that too a cardiologist cause Dr.Prathap Sir is my biggest inspiration. His family and mine are so close cause we were neighbours,so i basically grew up with their  family kids.

Siddhu is like my own brother and best buddy though he is few years elder to me but i hated Abhimanyu too much cause he always had the whole attention to him be it whatever he does. It was always Abhimanyu this , Abhimanyu that.
He stole all the attention from people, that me and Siddhu were always side casted.

Siddhu never took all these to his heart unlike me ,who always wanted to prove am better than Abhimanyu atleast once in my life.I craved for attention so badly.But i never lost hope ,i knew one day i'll achieve what i want,so i worked and studied very hard.

Until one day i met an angel atleast that's what i thought at that time,
" Dr.Sithara " ,i knew she was different the first time i saw her during PG introduction but she never noticed me once .She had an innocent aura around her at the  same time when it comes to her profession,she becomes like a fierce warrior with a soul determination ,the fact that she hated Abhimanyu like me, made me think she is the perfect one for me.

I waited for a perfect opportunity to  introduce myself and that's when the PG quiz came so I decided to hit two mangoes in one stone, I can prove myself to everyone at the same time I can impress my angel too.

But little did I know, all my hopes will come crashing down just cause of her.

.........End of Flashback............

Hey readers,it's a double update, next chapter is going to be even  more interesting ,so enjoy.
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