Reason behind Chaos

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When we both were busy glaring at each other, we heard someone clearing his throat which broke our staring contest.

" I never imagined a day would come where my son, whose one glare is poweful enough to get people do as he pleases, but look today, here he is struggling to meet his fiance's glare.Am really looking forward to knowing more about you Sithara darling!"saying this Kishore uncle chuckled.

I smiled genuinenly hearing his compliment and replied politely" It would be my pleasure, uncle"

" By the way uncle, if you dont mind asking, this ring is a very beautiful antique one, from where did you get it?"i asked in curiousity

" Oh yeah, it is indeed an antique piece and as i said before it belonged to someone very close" he replied

Me being me didnt take the hint and went onto ask
" Who uncle?"

As soon i said those words, uncle's happy expression changed and he looked dazed and sad as though remembering something special" It belonged to my one and only sister and before you ask me where is she, she passed away" saying this he excused himself from us and went rushing without even hearing our reply.

From beside me Dr.Abhimanyu stiffened he just turned to me & asked in a pissed off manner" I have never seen my dad lose his cool and composed manner like this before, why did you ask questions continously?
Cant you take the hint that its a touchy subject which he doesnt want to talk, thats why he told simply someone special but you kept nagging him with your questions."

I got enough of his behaviour so i too exclaimed" If i hadnt pushed him with my questions, we wouldn't have that piece of information about his sister, tell me would we?" i mocked

He seemed to comtemplate and then slowly replied" I already knew he had a sis who passed away but that is it, but you are right, hadnt you pushed his buttons we wouldn"t have known that ring belonged to her"

" But also keep in mind that just like yours, my family has some sentiment too, which i dont want to hurt, so dont go about asking directly like this, you are lucky that it was my dad, had it been my grandpa,he wouldn't bother giving you an answer cause he is very secretive, he shares information only what he pleases to whom he pleases no matter how hard you push his buttons,trust me i tried before and am saying this with experience" he advised me.

" Yeah master" i spoke rolling my eyes,cant he once appreciate my effort for something.What a jerk!

The next day went like a lightening very fast cause i was busy preparing for my upcoming practical contest for that PG quiz.

Today is the contest and am anxious because of two reasons: one, my language proficiency is good but since i was not brought up here am not so good at understanding dialects, the second reason is Dr.Roshan ever since that day at party i never came across him and him being a senior to me, also with his experience as he is doing super speciality, i know there is no way i could beat him today.I consider that theory quiz winning of mine itself as nothing but sheer luck on my side.Moreover he was brought up here so obviously he will be good at understanding their local language dialects more easily.

No matter all these, i decided to give my best as usual.I could see at the beginning both our camps had equal patients but as time flew by, my count became less due to my language hindarance and i could see i was losing today.

Just i was about to give up all my hopes, god again sent me Siddhu to help me unlike a certain jerk who only torments me but doesnt show up when i need him the most.

And slowly with Siddhu's help in translating, my camp once again started getting enough patients.After a hectic day, our camp got over and the results will be announced soon.

As i was waiting for the results, Siddhu sat next to me.

" Thank you so much Siddhu, had it not been for you today, i would have lost today's contest so miserably" i spoke with my utmost graditute.

" Oh when did friends start saying thank you and sorry" Siddhu replied cheekily just like his usual self.

" No matter how humble you act, i still owe you" i spoke honestly.

" If you really think like that then let me ask your help at a time when i need the most and you just return the favor" he spoke in a thinking manner.

" Consider it done!" I told him smiling.

"Anyways, come lets go the results are going to be announced" saying this he got up pulled me up with him.

" From the countings what we got,we hereby announce that today's contest ends up in a tie as both the competitors have seen equal number of patients, and also keeping in mind the previoud round victory, we hereby announce the winner as Dr.Sithara of General Medicine Dept.!" The speaker announced this cheerily in the mike.

But before me Dr.Roshan looked like he is going to kill someone.

" I cant believe that i thought you as an angel but you are far from it" Dr.Roshan shouted at me in rage.

" Mind your words,
Dr. Roshan, we dont want to create a scene like last time,do we?" I spoke cause i was seriously irritated with his accusations,its not like i cheated, i worked hard day & night just like him.He cant go about accusing me all the time for his loss.

" Roshan bro, its just a competion, leave this matter, its not like the end of the world" Siddhu tried to console him.

" No!" He shouted.

" You too betrayed me, i knew Abhimanyu would play dirty but i never knew you my bro Siddhu will also support him, i am fed up with you all.Am leaving" saying this he marched away.

" What is he saying?" I aske turning to Siddhu.

" Dont mind him, he is just frustrated and can't accept that he lost" Siddhu spoke.

" No,i want to know what he meant?" I spoke in a determined manner.

Siddhu sighed before me and then he slowly replied
" You know why Abhimanyu didnt show up today cause he resigned his post from the quiz club"

I was stunned hearing his response" What? Why?"

Siddhu muttered something like ' i shouldnt have told her' to himself.

" No, please dont stop! Tell me,I want to know what happened" i begged him as i had a bad feeling that i was reason for all this chaos.And his next words proved once again i was right about my fear.

" It was because of you,he resigned" he muttered slowly gauging my reaction.

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