Tug Of War Part 1

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Sithara POV

I was so happy guys, guess why tomorrow is weekend and i can have a lovely date with my bed, most importantly i don't need to see the face of 
certain someone.I was dancing so happily inside my head but my happiness  came crashing down in the form of mail from HOD of my dept which is none other than jerk/ stupid chairman of this prestigious institute.

It stated that i am supposed to meet him at his office to discuss some important thing.

But my question is what is there to discuss that too important with him, moreover am just 1 yr PG here , please don't tell me ,he is still holding that grudge for rejecting him,its not like he didn't humiliate me later in front of all the audience at the inaugural party. So its already over, atleast that's how i was giving myself a pep talk cause i know deep down just now the the real battle is gonna begin but whatever it is i wont back down, to quit is never in Sithara's dictionary.

With that thought ,i knocked his door twice and heard a faint come in so i just pushed open and went inside. This is the first time am entering the Chairman's office and internally i prayed to god let it be the last time too. The room was elegant and classy, the wall behind his desk was furnished beautifully with wooden showcase rack and lot of awards and shield's were there mostly it was of the institute or Dr .Prathap sir's achievements previously but i could see none of his trophies or certificates so i just shrugged thinking maybe he didn't have time to redecorate it since he took charge just yesterday.

" Dr. Sithara ,if you have done checking my whole room can you please close your mouth, i dont  want flies entering unnecessarily in my room" he smirked saying this. That's when i realised he was observing me so long,ever since i entered the room ,i thought he was busy working in his laptop so i decided to wait patiently but he had to mock me somehow didn't he, let it  be, i don't care about his opinion at all.

" Are you gonna keep standing there or wish me like a good student you are"he asked me.Oh shoot i completely forgot to wish him anyways who wants to wish this jerk ,so let's act all tough shall we.

" Sir,i believe i was called by you to discuss something important " i reminded him.

" What did i ask, and what are you saying Dr. Sithara, where are your manners ,first wish me properly then I'll tell why i called you" he stated cooly, he is enjoying my misery so well, didn't he.

" Good morning Sir" i told through griited teeth but that jerk, he was looking smugly as though he has achieved something great.

" Indeed its a very good morning for me but next time learn to wish a senior staff by yourself and it would be better if you wish me with my name instead of Sir,it makes me feel so old or something" unfortunately i can't say the same jerk,its a bad morning for me cause i had to meet you.

"Anyways ,the reason i called you is to inform your quiz is going to be held on Monday , prepare well, don't put a stain to our dept's name with your poor performance " he stated .

" What quiz, what are you talking about and what do you mean by me putting a stain and some nonsense, for your information i got into this campus with the highest score" i exclaimed

" Oh really, so then prove it in the quiz, best of luck ,you can go now" he spoke cooly

"Sir, this is not fair ,i asked you a question, what quiz and why was i not informed prior ,how can i prepare within two days . "I bursted angrily.

" Oops werent you informed ,my bad, its okay now am informing you ,go prepare,i don't have time to explain all instructions , you can find it out on your own ,now you are dismissed" saying this he started working once again .

I stormed out of his room with complete annoyance first i need to find out what this quiz is about,so i went straight to my senior and asked her.

I was literally burning with anger after hearing details from her cause it seems every year a competition is organised for the PG's among all departments where they will test your theory knowledge and clinical skill set by giving you two opportunities, the first one is this quiz and as far as the clinical test is concerned , a camp will be arranged where all the dept PG's who are participating should go and the one who completes maximum quota is the winner .Based on the scores from both the competition, the overall winner will be announced .

I am not angry for the competition , infact i am so anxious to participate but am irritated cause just now i came to know from that senior that selecting which PG will be participating ,the decision is completely on the hands of the HOD .

And to my bad luck, that jerk is my dept head, he decided to make me suffer by informing in the last minute but i promise myself i don't know whether i will win but i can confidently say i won't let him the satisfaction of seeing me lose ,i'll give my best.

Just you wait and watch Mr.Jerkface, the battle is on .

Hey readers, The battle is on, whose side are you? .Please do comment and vote,
Its my humble request to you all. The next update will be very soon.Bye, catch you my lovelies later!

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