The Three Brothers

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" What did i do?" I asked defensively.

" No its not actually you who did something, don't take it in a wrong
sense Sithara,its the situation which made you the reason for his resignation." Siddhu spoke trying to make me feel better but i was far from it,no matter how much i hate the jerk, i still can't accept the fact i was the reason for his resignation.

" Can you please tell me clearly what happened?" I once again requested him.

" Actually yesterday, right after you two got engaged officially, though it was private,somehow the news got leaked and some haters of Abhimanyu went onto file a report against him saying there is partiality in his behaviour and actions." Siddhu explained me

I gasped hearing this,'him being partial,can't they notice how strict and professional he is' i scoffed internally.

Siddhu continued" They showed the theory quiz event as an example for their accusation saying he favoured you to win the quiz just cause you are his fiancee" i fumed hearing all this.

" I know,i know its all ridiculous accusations but when a complaint is raised, we have to deal with it no matter against who it is,that's how our management works."

" Did they atleast give him a chance to explain why he did,what he did on his behalf?" i questioned

" Ofcourse,our investigation team kept a meeting yesterday where both the parties were present.Abhimanyu clearly proved his innonce saying that the question he asked that day was taken from the already framed  ones only "

" I dont understand, already framed ones? " i asked

" You see, the question which the HOD is supposed to ask on the finale is picked out from the set of questions already framed by the committee and the role of HOD on that day is to just pick out one from the list and ask.Though for outsiders it might seem asthough he asked the question himself but the reality is he gets to ask a question only from the framed ones and those framed ones won't be revealed even to him before finale.The only leverage here is, he gets to pick whichever one he wants, easy or difficult its his choice." Siddhu explained me and i was shocked to process all this information.

" So if he had proved to be innocent,why did he still resign?" I asked confused

"Actually he also gave an explanation why he choose that question for Roshan though he doesn't need to do all that.
He told that the question he asked might look easy but its a tricky one so if your slightly overconfident you might suck it up.
Upon hearing his explanation the council was satisfied and disapproved all the baseless allegation against him but he went onto say that, him being the chairman of the institute, he wants to make a perfect example for the students.
Though he was proved innocent, he said people complaint only when they have lack of trust on someone which clearly is the case here too, he is dejected that his own peers doubt his loyalty so until they have complete confident on him, he wont accept the position so he resigned voluntarily" Siddhu explained his brother's deeds

Even i found it heartmelting and for the first time my respect towards him raised.

" Now do you understand why my brother is respected so much everywhere. Had it been someone else they wouldn't have bothered with all these,but to my bro, trust and loyalty comes first!" Siddhu once again spoke high about his brother's values and i also understood why Siddhu loves his brother so much.

" But why even after all these, Dr.Roshan claims Abhimanyu as a cheater or something" i asked confused once again

" Oh that's a never ending brother's feud.No matter what Abhimanyu does,to Roshan he is always wrong" Siddhu muttered dejected.

" Why is it like that?" I asked

" There is no particular reason atleast known to me but i guess Roshan hates the fact that Abhimanyu steals all the attention."he spoke in a thoughtful manner

" What about you?You don't hate him cause of that?" I asked him genuinely curious.

" To be honest with you, i never compared myself with Abhimanyu nor with Roshan cause i am who i am so to answer your question, it doesn't bother me that he gets all the attention." And now i know why Siddhu is the most trusted brother for both and my respect for who he is increased manyfolds too.

" How did Roshan know that Abhimanyu is not your own brother" i asked without thinking and the next second started panicking about what i have blurted out to him thinking what if  
Siddhu doesnt know the truth.

Seeing my expression Siddhu guessed what i was thinking and replied" Stop getting tensed, you are like a open book Sithara, your expression gives you away" he chuckled seeing my baffled expression.

" And i already know the truth. Moreover to me, it doesn't matter whether he is my real blood or not, to me he is and will always be my bro" he spoke like a true hero.

" How did you know it?" I asked dumbly.

Hearing my stupid question, he smirked and told me simply
" Afterall am his bro."

" Oh come on, please tell me." I asked him whining.

" Okay,okay dont give me those puppy dog looks,i will tell you" he told atlast.I got excited to hear.

" When we were 9 or 10 years old, i don't remember exactly when..." he told scratching his head in a thinking manner.

" Anyways me, Abhimanyu and Roshan were playing together and as usual a fight broke between those.Even i couldnt decide who i should support at that time,so we three ran to grandpa's study to solve the issue and that's when we heard hushed conversation between dad, mom and grandpa. Grandpa was telling mom and dad that no matter what the consequences nobody should know that Abhimanyu is not their real son and the secret should be maintained."

" Oh what happened next?" I asked interested.

" Ofcourse we three were shocked to the core,but Roshan was the first to resolve to normalcy so he mocked my brother saying he is a bastard and that led to a fight.As a result they heard our ruckus and stopped speaking." He spoke in a disapproving manner.

" Didn't you guys never question them regarding his true identity?" I asked.

" I till date never asked, no matter how curious am, i always believe him as my brother so i didn't bother knowing the details.But Roshan constantly pestered them about the truth until one day grandpa threatened him saying he will disown him if he brings this matter again,which shut him up for sometime until-

" the party!" i finished for him

" Yeah"

" But what about Abhimanyu,didn't he never ask them too?" I asked very curiously.

" No actually each time he tried asking him,they somehow sensed what his question would be so they were well prepared to divert him from the conversation or convince him saying he is really our blood" Siddhu answered my questions which were nagging me all these days.

" Thank you for sharing all these personal information with me!" I told him earnestly .

" Oh come on Sithara, dont act like an outsider,afterall you are now  part of our family" he spoke to me in a welcoming manner and i smiled hearing it

Siddhu is welcoming to all my questions, next its my turn to see if all the other family members are too.Afterall i came here to solve the mystery, didn't i?

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