Tug of War Part-2

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Today is Saturday ,i was busy studying for the upcoming quiz on Monday when suddenly i got another mail from HOD asking me to come to medicine ward immediately. I am really annoyed, what now, isn't it weekend already ,why i should i work today also . Nevertheless i had to go ,no other option you see ,so i got ready and went there.

He was already waiting for me in the ward, so i directly went and greeted him,why give a chance to question me.
" Good Morning Dr.Abhimanyu" but that jerk didnt acknowledge me even for a second and was busy reading the case sheet ,wasnt he the one who tortured me for a mere greeting but now when i do as he says, he ignores me, cool , very cool, i huffed in frustration.

" Oh, Dr.Sithara  i see you have arrived ,good then follow me ,we have lots of cases to attend" saying this he started walking fast some where. If i had known he would walk this fast ,i would have worn sneakers ,too bad i cant run with heels but somehow i managed to catch up with him and asked " Sir, i think you are mistaken, today is not my duty" i stated clearly.

" I know very well whose duty today is, am the HOD  am i not,do you take me for a fool?" He questioned sarcastically .
I actually don't think, i know for sure he is a fool but i cant voice my opinion loudly ,i sighed and asked him" Then what am i doing here,Sir ? Today is supposed to be my day off" i exclaimed .

" Stop asking too many questions and do as i say, will you for once " he stated some what irritated. But me being stubborn cross- questioned him" No sir, unless you give me proper explanation ,am not coming anywhere with you, you might be superior  to me but still its my right to know ,okay."i stated calmly and crossed my arms in defiance.He muttered to himself something like 'this witch .....what am i going to do......with her'  i tried to hear but i didn't hear clearly ,anyways who cares what he thinks.

" Fine, i called because you see , you are the candidate who is gonna participate in the upcoming competition ,since i was the one who choose you, its my duty to cross check whether you are worthy or not ,so today am gonna check your clinical skills ,you are gonna accompany and see some patients under my supervision" he spoke stressing the details asthough he is talking to a small adamant kid.

" We don't have all day ,Dr Sithara ,its a suprise test ,just  be cooperative okay" he stated .Ever since i met him , everything i come across is only suprises ,i mocked internally about my life.

Its already afternoon we saw so many cases and i am literally drained . What's more irritating was he said he was gonna just supervise but that jerk ,each time i examined a patient ,he kept commenting" It's so obvious its an edema , can't you see properly", or " Can't you tie a BP cuff properly ,how did you even clear MBBS" or " Its just a fever, why are you wasting their money by asking them to take test".......
Something  like these.Through out his comments and scolding, i kept silent and did what i was supposed to do.
Suddenly ,there was an emergency case we had to attend right now, its seems to be a snakebite, from the looks of it i bet its a 'Rattle snake ' species ,so i immediately told the nurse to  bring and inject a antivenom of that species.But before the nurse could go ,he bursted angrily at me" Are you that dumb, what if its some other species, the patient's side is not sure what species bit him,you'll just let the patient die cause of your assumption, i don't want to take risk.Nurse better inject him with polyvalent antivenom" he instructed angrily.
The nurse ran as soon as he told that and did as he told.

But i was so sure it must be a ' Rattle snake' from the looks of it ,the reason i asked  the nurse to inject specifically is because snake antivenom are very expensive, they have a very short shelf life and most importantly some hospitals don't have it , though its a must in every health care centre.Anyway's he is right, what if the species is different, we can't let the person die, its safer to administer multi- species antivenom, but still i think my assumption is right.

All of a sudden ,the patient's family member came running with a dead snake in his hand saying, they caught it , and begging us to please somehow save him.

I observed the snake in his hand closely and smirked at that jerk who is torturing me .For a moment he looked suprised and then he immediately made his face rigid and addressed to the patient's family member" Sir, we have already saved the patient , no worries ,he will be alright soon" saying this he marched from there.

But me being me ,i couldn't let the golden opportunity miss ,so i ran behind up and caught him and questioned" Don't you think ,its fair to reduce their bill amount since .." i gestured to the  dead snake.

" Fine, I'll do it and you did well and you are dismissed for today" he stated and went.

I felt like jumping up and down cause of immense happiness in  winning this battle against him .Dr.Sithara- 1, Dr.Abhimanyu- 0.
Who does he think he is, no one can mess with Sithara , i praised myself .

Dear readers ,how was the chapter ,what do you think , please don't forget to vote and comment, i value your opinion ,so please do comment something.See you in next update bye!

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