Chapter 53

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We finally made it to New York, having the whole day free before the show tonight "You gonna go see your parents?" Ceci asked as she approached me in the hotel

I nodded, "is that okay?" I ask. " you need a ride?" She replied. I shook my head, wanting to walk through the busy streets once again "okay..I'm gonna go say bye to josh then I'll head off" I say bye to her before going to find him

He stood with his manager down in the hotel lobby, talking about their plans for today "alright love?" He wrapped an arm over me as I approached them. I nodded "just gonna go see my I'll meet you at the arena tonight?" I ask

"Sure thing" he looked down to me, giving me a kiss before letting me go. I put my earphones in again, this time walking down the street without listening to Peyton's music. I had a small smile on my face, finally feeling more comfortable about Josh and I

I reached my parents house only a 20 minute walk from the hotel, knocking on the door, my mom answered it with a shocked look on her face "Sabrina! Oh my god!" She pulled me into a hug

"Hey mom" I replied, burying my face in her, letting the scent of her perfume engulf me into safety. She let me go, ushering me inside the house "where's dad?" I ask

"Oh he's just in there" she pointed to the living room across from us. I nodded, making my way over and opening the door. "Honey look who's here!" My mom squealed from behind me

"Sab!" My dad stood up from the chair, giving me a hug. I sat down beside them on the couch, "so how's things with you guys?" I asked, a wide smile on my face "oh they're know how it is, just same old same old..what we want to know about is you! Little miss celebrity" my mum laughed

"Like what?" I question as a lot has gone on "well what happened with that handsome blonde boy..I liked the look of him" she smirked. "Oh Peyton! Uh..he lives below me, he was going on tour and I choreographed it for them..I went on the tour with them and then about halfway through when my music took off they brought in a replacement dancer for if I was ever too busy..I opened the door to them kissing one I left the tour" I very badly explained what happened with him

"Well do you know why?" My dad asked. I shook my head, "I was too upset to want to know why..I just wanted to go back to LA" I replied "ohh..a bit overwhelming then.." he nodded as he got a better understanding of it

"And your songs! You write music now! You've got contracts and all that" my mom gushed "I almost have a full album! I have a few more songs on the way" I explain to them

"I really like the one that goes like 'just wanna hold tight ah ah ah' I don't know what it's called" my mom very badly sung the song "that's hold tight..and it's not my song it's Peyton's" I giggle

"Ignore her, Sab. She's useless with music. I like almost love" my dad chuckled, playfully insulting my mom. "So what's this new tour your on then..who's the boy?" My mom asked

"Josh, it's josh's tour. He's my boyfriend" I explained "oh..did he not want to meet us?" She questioned. I sighed slightly "he's just busy mom.." I trail off

"But what about that Peyton? Do you not see him anymore?" She asked confused. I shook my head, "he's till on tour mom..he won't her back till the end of the month or so" i reply

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