Chapter 74

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The plane landed in Las Vegas, giving us most of the day to shop around and do what we want until the show later.

We reached one of the sets of shops, after parking the car he got out, taking my hand and leading me through the shops. We were currently in Tiffany & Co.

"I like this one" he pointed to a shiny necklace in the display case. I nodded, "Ooo I like it too" I wrap my hand around his upper arm as we continued to look around the shop "is there anything I can help you with?" One of the ladies said from behind the counter

"Uh yea..can I get that necklace, over there" I pointed to the glass box Peyton pointed out earlier. She nodded, turning away and bringing one over to me "this one?" She asked

"Yes thank you" I follow Peyton over to pay for it, swiping my card as she places it gently into the gift box's and gift bags "here you go" she smiled as she passed the bag over to me

"Thank you! Have a good day!" I jumped excitedly as I took it from her "$11,000 on a necklace you didn't even try on.." Peyton smirked to me as we left the shop

I shrugged, "I guess you and your spontaneous money throwing skills are rubbing off on me" I laugh as I drag him over to the next store

After a few more shops, I had officially spent too much money "still call that wasting your money?" he laughed as we got back to the car

He opened the trunk, putting the bags inside and closing it "well I had to get a nice outfit for tonight" I attempt to justify it "Yea, one, you bought like 10" he chuckled as he pulled out of of carpark

"So where to next?" He questioned as he drove along the roads "mmm let's go get ice cream then go to a nice park or something..I haven't had ice cream I weeks!" I dream of it

He nods, following directions to an ice cream parlour and parking outside. We head inside, stopping to take pictures with a few fans before buying the ice cream

"Can I have strawberry please?" He asked the lady, she nodded scooping it into the tub "Uh I'll have the same thanks" I reply "aww we like the same flavour" Peyton pouted sarcastically

I rolled my eyes, watching as he paid for the desert before heading back to the car and driving to the nearest park. We found a spot slightly hidden from the main paths through the park, leaning against a tree, Peyton say down, gesturing for me to sit in front of him

I happily complied, sitting in between his legs with mine on top of his sideways, my side resting on his chest "your birthdays coming up..any idea on what you wanna do.?" He asked after a few minutes

I shrugged lightly "not really..I haven't really thought about it" I reply "well you sure bought yourself an outfit for it today" he chuckled, making me laugh

"Don't even try and act like your one to car about spending money, i know for a fact you do not need 4 customised cars that cost triple what I spent today" I laugh "and with your tour, once that's done you'll probably be getting another 20 million" I add

He chuckled, screwing his face up lightly "eh" he replied "what? Is that to low?" I joke "if things go to plan with box office and ticket sales..all that..I'll be bringing in around 90.." he chuckled

I almost choke on my ice cream, "90 million?" I repeat. He nodded, a proud smile on his face "hm..might have to keep you around this time then.." I smirk, my eyes flickering down to his lips, kissing him sweetly

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