Chapter 69

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"Let's take this one..isn't she beautiful.." Peyton admired his $300,000 dollar customised neon green Aston Martin. I shrugged "kinda looks like a tennis ball" I screw my face up

He shot me a glare, pointing his finger at me "take that back!" He sassed, unlocking the car and allowing us to get in. I closed the door behind me, going to put on my seat belt "ah ah ah, let me do it" he takes it from me gently, clicking it into place

"You're insane! You won't even let me put my own seat belt on, that's how much you like the car" I laugh "Sabrina! I let you open and close the door, I've been nice" he defended himself again, revving the engine and pulling out of the car park

He drove down the streets of LA, a smile on his face. "This is the happiest I've seen you in ages" I laugh "what's there not to be happy about? I am in this sexy, beautiful car, your beside me and you look..okay I guess, on the way to get some food in this beautiful country" he smirked

I hit his arm playfully "okay so we can now add you being more attracted to your car then me to the list of things you prefer" I giggle. He reached over, placing a hand on my thigh gently "don't worry..I can't have sex with a car" he laughed again

He pulled into the restaurant I told him to go to, parking right outside the door so that he could keep a view on the car before getting out. He held open the restaurant door for me, following behind me into the half empty room

That's why I liked this place, it was always quiet "oh my.." the waitress mumbled as we entered. I smiled to her, taking Peyton over to my favourite table in the back corner

"Welcome back, Miss Carpenter" the manager came out of the back room "Yolanda! Omg hi! It's been ages" I stand up from the table, giving her a hug "This is-" I begin to introduce her to Peyton before she cuts me off

"I know who he is, dear. Hello handsome" she smirked. Peyton chuckled "nice to meet you" he smiled to her. We ordered our food, waiting patiently till it came

"So how was the rest of tour?" I ask him. He shrugged, "it was okay..I got told about 3 times daily by Amir that I need to at least pretend like I wanted to be there" he replied with a smile "well you seem fine, what was the problem? Is Vanessa that annoying? Or should I say..I don't know a name that starts with a V..uh..vagina" I come up with proudly

He squints his eyes at me "what is with the sex jokes? Are you hinting at something?" He smirked. I shook my head, "it's just the first name that started with V!" I defend myself "right..not Veronica? Or Valerie?" He couldn't help the smile on his face

I laughed, taking another bite of food " If you weren't excited to be there, does that mean your ready for it to finish?" I ask. He pondered on it for a few seconds, "tour is fun when your doing it with people you love to be around and your doing something you love doing..but after you left and they brought in Vanessa it just changed..I had no one to joke with or share things with, unless i wanted Amir to come and sleep in my hotel room" he chuckled

"You really didn't do anything with her? The whole time you were together on tour?" I asked shocked "nope. No kissing, No touching, No sex, not even staying in the same room together. The only thing she did was get on a plane, and most of the time she sat with Amir" he replied proudly

"That's not like you" I reply with disbelief. He shrugged, "it's like you said about you and josh..except you liked josh at some point..I never had a thing for her" he replied

I shook my head "I don't think I did like him..not enough to date him..I think I was just trying to fill a you shaped hole.."

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