Chapter 65

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Third person

Peyton sat impatiently the whole flight over to LA, he had watched the live stream only 3 hours into the 5 hour flight, giving him time to sit there and panic about her not being okay

Amir spent most of the time on calls, arranging for the show to be pushed back a few days or cancelled. He finally managed to get it postponed for two nights after tonight, meaning that Peyton's tour that only had a week and a half left, has been pushed to two weeks left

The plane had finally landed, an uneasy feeling in his stomach as he sat in the car alone, staring out the window as he watched the buildings become more familiar as he got closer to home

The car pulled up to his apartment, he sighed, of course there's photographers here. He thanked the driver, opening the car door and jogging inside, ignoring the calls from the paparazzi trying to take pictures of him

He rushed to the elevator, watching as the floors counted upward until he reached Sabrina's floor. He jogged down to her apartment, knocking on the door frantically. He stood back, a few seconds passing and the door still not opening

He knocked again, this time a little harder. After another few short seconds he heard shuffling behind the door, the black wood opening to reveal the blonde in front of him, a tear stained face and swollen lips

She looked up to him, instantly burying into tears as she saw him. He came in, wrapping his arms protectively around her as she sobbed, kicking the door closed with his foot

He rested his chin on top of her head, his hand rubbing small soothing circles on her back. He looked over the clean apartment, no blankets in the living room informing him she was probably in bed

He didn't want to disturb her by making her move so he adjusted his hands so that they were under her arms, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his torso as he carried her down the hall to the bedroom he had been in months ago

He lay her down gently on the bed, tucking the duvet over her fragile body "do you want anything? Have you eaten?" He asked softly, tucking a piece of hair that had fallen onto her face behind her ear

She shook her head, moving over to the far side of the bed from him "can you just stay here with me?" She pleaded, wiping her eye with the sleeve of her hoodie

He nodded "of course, that's why I'm here" he replied, sliding into the bed beside her. She adjusted herself so that her head was on his chest, her body half on his and half on the bed

He slid his arm under her, having it holding her closely to him, continuing to draw small circles on her back

He checked the time on his phone, 9:10pm, before putting it down on the bedside table beside him and leaning his head against the blondes softly, taking small inhales of her strawberry scented perfume

Her sobs subsided quickly due to his presence, the thought of him being there with her while drawing soothing circles around her back sent her to sleep like lullaby, the first time she had slept since seeing josh yesterday.

After a while, Peyton felt her irregular breathing even out into a peaceful sleep, drifting off to sleep himself from the busy day.

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