Chapter 89

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We got into the car, the driver pulling out from the apartment block toward the place where we had the birthday party "is it him?" I whispered to Peyton, nodding to the driver

He glanced over to him before shaking his head "nope" he replied simply "so what else happened? Where are my parents!" The realisation hit me that they were here

"Your parents are in one of the best hotels in LA, I got them a car to take them back to their hotel yesterday night and you are meeting them for lunch tomorrow" he explained "are you coming?" I ask. He shrugged, "I will come if you want me to, or I will go and get other shit done" he replied

"Yes please..I think they'd like you to come" I state. He smiled over to me, "then I'll be there" he replied. "You really thought of everything? The song, my parents, the car..I'm still shocked now" I laugh

"So you liked it?" He joked "Peyton I loved it, I don't even know how to thank you" I reply "I've already told you, don't. You being happy is good enough" he smiled

"What happened to Vanessa and josh?" I changed the subject "well security came and took them out, I don't know where they went after but I didn't see them for the rest of the night" he shrugged his shoulders

"I really thought you were gonna go for her for a know when you took her hand and helped her off stage.." a frown fell upon my face. He furrowed his eyebrows "you think I would throw a party that big just to leave you for her, you've got to be crazy" he joked

"I know..I'm happy you didn't though" I dream up to him, kissing him just as the car arrived to the venue. We got out the car, heading over to the tent that was being deconstructed

"How did you even think of doing all this, engraving the glasses, putting diamonds on the bottles, the signs that say my name" I take one last look around "I booked party planners they helped create the look as well as asking Rowan and Ceci for a few ideas..when you said in Vegas you'd only get the car if it was pink we decided to base the party off of the car..which is why everything's pink" he picked up an empty bedazzled tequila bottle

"Wait I wanna keep that" I took it from him, the words 'Sabrina's 21st' written in silver diamonds. He chuckled, his eyes trailing around the room "here you go" he pulled out the keys from his pocket, passing them to me

I squealed, heading over to the car "wait I'm so scared to drive costs more then my apartment" I look to him scared "you'll do fine Bebe, it's just a normal car, you're a great driver" he assured me, getting into the passenger side

I turned on the ignition, feeling the engine revving from under me "wow" I mumble. I pull out of the carpark, driving normally down the road "see, I told you" he smiled at how I was driving

"Hey..are you gonna release that song..?" I ask, turning to look to him briefly "maybe..not right now but probably in the future..why?" He asked. I shrugged, "well then can you send it to me..I wanna have it" I plead

He laughed, "of course Bebe, I'll send it to you tonight" he replied

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