Chapter 96

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Third person

"Ready to go Bub?" Peyton asked the blonde. She nodded, taking the last sip of her drink and standing up. He lead her over to where they paid, "we're so sorry again for what happened.." the manager came out

Peyton shook his head, "It's all good, she still managed to drink two more" he laughed, wrapping an arm around the blonde. She giggled, "Thank you!" She jumped happily as she pulled Peyton out of the restraint to the car

She climbed in the passenger seat while he got in the drivers seat, turning on the car "thank you for dinner" she leant over, kissing his lips. "Don't say thank you, baby" he smiled as he pulled out of the car park, laying a hand on her thigh like always

She pulled out her phone, going onto Instagram and pressing the 'start live' button. She waited for a few seconds, the views on the live shooting up, 4.6k, 12.9k, 27.2k, 34.5k..

"Hey guys!" She waves happily, reading as the comments on the live flew past "I'm in the I'm not driving..yea Peyton's driving, this is Peyton" she turned the camera around, showing her boyfriend driving down the street

"Tell them about the drink" Peyton chuckled. She gasped, turning the camera back around to her "guys! We went to a restaurant just now and the waiter dropped my drink down me, it went all over my lap!" She laughed

"I felt so bad though, he looked so frightened so I gave him a hug" she smiled, her eyes trailing over the comments "Hahahaha this one guy said we should've tipped him" she looked up to Peyton with a laugh

"We did, we're good people" he responded as he turned round the corner at some traffic lights "ah see guys! Don't worry" she continued reading the comments

"Today at the studio we finished the new song! You guys are gonna love it..we managed to get the whole thing produced..well not the whole thing, most of it.." she corrected herself "yea it's called break my heart" She added

"Oo babe they wanna know if your writing anything..?" She held the camera by the window so that they could get a view of both of them "Always writing..but not gonna be recording for a few weeks" he replied

"What about better half of me?" She asked just before her hand flew up to her mouth. Peyton glanced to her quickly, his lips pursed in a straight line to hide the smile from his face "oh they're asking about it now.." she read the comments on the live

"Better half of me was a song he made and he played it to me on my birthday but he isn't releasing it.." she explained "Pey they want you to release it now.." she laughed

Peyton continued to drive, reaching the top of a small hill. He went to break, the car not stopping. His hand flew off of Sabrinas leg catching her attention, both of his hands holding the steering wheel

"Sab the breaks aren't working" he panicked, pressing down on the break however it not stopping "wh-what do you mean?" She questioned, her hand still holding the phone in view of the two however forgetting all about the live stream

"Baby slow down" she grabbed the side of her seat as the car raced down the hill "the breaks aren't working, the car won't stop!" He repeated, his eyes darting quickly across the road as he steered down the hill, avoiding cars that were beeping at him

"The handbreak" she widened her eyes "there isn't a handbreak baby" he mumbled, just as they reached the bottom of the hill "Pey! Pey!" She pointed to the left, a large 4x4 car slamming into the back of peytons side, pushing the car around in circles

"oh my god" Sabrina cried, watching as Peyton tried his hardest to steer. "it's not my fault, it's not my fault" he repeated as the car bounced along the road, unable to stop due to the failed breaks

"I love you baby" he mumbled, the car reaching its final spin, slamming into a lamppost on the side of the road at a fast speed

The windows shattered open, the lights on his car flashing, the airbags flying open into their faces and the recording live stream on her phone, falling to the ground with a view of the unconscious blondes hand lying out the window

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