Chapter 62

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I woke up the next morning, my face hurting and my head pounding for the second day in a row. I climbed out of bed, taking some more aspirin and desperately trying cold spoons and showers to de puff my tear stained face

I flicked through my wardrobe, putting on black ripped jeans and a blush pink blouse, with white heels. I packed on makeup to hide the redness, using colour correctors like crazy until my face resembled its usual pale colour

I left my apartment, heading down to the apartment floor before going over to the underground carpark, passing Peyton's perfectly aligned, expensive as fuck looking cars, down to where I usually park mine

I get inside, turning the ignition on and pulling out of the carpark, driving down to meet Ceci at the studio. When I got there, she sat with the producers, waiting for me to hear the song

"You're here!" She jumped as she saw me enter. I gave her a weird look, "of course..I said I'd be here by 10" I chuckled "I just thought..with his know.." she trailed off

I nodded, sniffling a little bit "well I think we should make one better" I reply, sitting down beside her "no offence, sab..but you don't really seem as..sad..about what happened as he does.." she replied

"Oh trust me, I've had my fair share of tears over him..but no, I want the opposite of his song" I smirk "When I heard the song last night, I pulled out my writing book because I thought well if I'm sad, all my feelings are coming out right it would be the best time to write.." I explained

Ceci and the writer nodded, "so I looked down to the page and the only words I could get out, the only thing I wanted to say was this one line" I show them the notepad

"Break up with your girlfriend..I'm bored.." the writer spoke aloud as she read it "Yea..because he's always got me feeling some kind of way..when I'm head him or not..I feel like that's why I haven't been able know..with josh, because he's all I think about" I explain further

Ceci smirked, "it's only taken you, what? Two months? To realise" she chuckled. I rolled my eyes, "well we could release Can't get you out of my head now, and then work on this new one today?" I suggest

The team around me nodded, playing my new song for me while my writer helped me write the words to the new song "when are you hoping to get this out by?" She asked halfway through

"Literally like today or tomorrow, I want it right after his song" I reply "And this song is done? Ready for release?" The producer checked with me. I sucked in a breath, "Yea..I'll post about it now..then we release it" I pull out my phone, typing a new Instagram post

"Hey guys! My new song 'can't get you out of my head' has just been released! I've been working on this one for awhile, since I started the tour with josh! I hope you like it, it's definitely more upbeat and sexy then my regular go check it out, I know you'll love it just like I Love u! SC X"

"Okay..release it now" I say to the producers, just as the post went through. He nodded, releasing the song "yay! Song number 7!" I squeal to Ceci happily

She smiled to me, "well if we work right, we'll get 8 out by tomorrow" she smirked

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