Chapter 84

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Third person

"I've never heard of this place?" She looked to the huge event white tent in front of them with fairy lights lighting up the inside, making it look magical. "It's like this pop up place..thought it might be cool" he shrugged, taking her hand and leading her down the path

They walked together, entering the tent that had two guards standing outside. Just as they got through the door everyone inside jumped out from behind various places, a loud uncoordinated "Surprise!" Being shouted to her

She jumped from the fright, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. She laughed, a wide smile on her face as she looked up to the boy beside her "happy birthday Bebe" he smiled

"I thought you forgot! I was really thinking everyone forgot!" She cried happily, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss "forget? It's all I've been doing all week" he smirked before letting go of her side so she could talk to people

Rowan and Corey came up to her first, "you're 21!" Rowan screamed, leaping into her best friends arms while Corey gave her a more sophisticated happy birthday and a hug "This is incredible" she looked around the inside

There were baby pink balloons covering a majority of the ceiling, huge chandeliers hanging through them creating different silhouettes around the tent. There was a great big pink neon sign at the back wall, the word Sabrina written into it and another matching sign beside it saying 21

The tables were decorated with all things light pink and sparkly, bottles of champagne everywhere and completely bedazzled Don Julio 1942 Tequila bottles on each table "he really went to so much trouble" corey smiled as he looked around the place

"You guys didn't help?" She furrowed her eyebrows confused "Nope..he planned this all himself, he came over the other day to invite us..he's so sweet, you need to marry him so I can be related to him" rowan dreamed

"Hey I'm 21 not 25!" I laugh as I spot Ceci out of the corner of my eye. I leave their side, heading over to her "happy birthday girl! Ready to get completely shitfaced?" She asked the blonde

Sabrina laughed, "I am..but I still have to say hello to everyone first" she replied, taking one of the glasses from her and following around the busy room, greeting as many familiar & unfamiliar faces as she could

Countless celebrities, friends and other guests attended, she finally reached Peyton again as he was talking to a few friends, wrapping her hand around his arm like always "hey baby" he smiled as he looked down to her, leaving his groups side

"You really did all this! That's why you've been in all these fake meetings!" She laughed. Peyton nodded, "it had to be big and can't have a 21st without your name on literally everything" he smirked, flashing her the glass in his hand that had the words 'SC TWENTY ONE' engraved in capital letters on the side

She giggled again, her eyes landing on a familiar blonde across the room "you invited her?" A frown fell upon her face as she looked up to him. Peyton sighed "Amir did, he said it would help for there to be no drama, to not cause problems..but it gets worse" Peyton sighed as he glanced over to Vanessa and then the blonde in front of him

"Worse? How?" She asked confused "because you should see who she brought as her plus one" he replied. Sabrina looked back over to the table she was sat at, someone in front of it moving slightly giving her a snippet of Josh sitting beside Vanessa

"You allowed him to come!" Sabrina hissed looking back to Peyton "I tried to say no Bebe, why would I want them two here? Amir said that unless they give us a reason, they can't be told to try your best to ignore them, they haven't even moved from that spot since it started, I'm sure once you get drinking you'll forget about them" he assured the blonde

"You're right..I just better not find you in the bathroom with her or in some shady corner" she squinted her eyes at him "yes ma'am" he smirked, watching as she stepped away from him, returning to their previous groups

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