Chapter 56

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"Sab!" Rowan squealed as she came into my apartment. "Hey guys!" I reply, being careful not to move my face. I currently had the makeup artist doing my makeup and the hair stylist straightening my hair

"Wow! Is this what your wearing" I assume Rowan saw the dress hanging across the room "sure excited?" I ask. "I'm gonna see so many celebrities" she stated amazed

"And that's it! Go put your dress on!" The makeup artist finished touching up my highlight. I jumped out the chair excitedly, taking the dress off the hanger and trying it on

The finished hair, makeup and outfit together even made me question if this was all real "you look great" Corey smiled from behind me. I turned around in my heels "is it too much?" I ask

He shrugged, "I'm the wrong person to ask" he chuckled making me laugh. I stepped out of the room, back to where Rowan and Ceci sat "yes, yes, yes, yes!" Rowan squealed at the sight of me

"Is it too much?" I repeat my question. They both shook their heads, "No way! It's perfect" Ceci dreamed "I'm so excited for you!" Rowan continued to gush over the show

We headed down to the car, making our way over to the venue where the award show was being held. Ceci came with me while Rowan and Corey went to the main entrance, me having to head over to the carpet

"I'm kinda nervous" I squeal to Ceci. She chuckled "you'll be fine..look there's josh.." she pointed to the brunette making his way over to me "baby's looking beautiful" he smirked, giving me a kiss on the lips

"Not looking forward bad yourself" I reply, wrapping my hand around his upper arm "so you ready?" He asked just before we were about to step onto the carpet. I gave him a reassuring nod, following as he led me into the carpet

"Yes!..Sabrina over here please!..Perfect look to the left!..Sabrina!..Josh down here!..Thank you amazing!..Josh put your arm around her!.." the paparazzi shouted at us, flashes blinding us as they took pictures

Josh put his arm around my back, continuing to smile at the cameras. We kept moving down the carpet, taking a few steps down and taking more photos. Ceci led me away from him, wanting there to be some photos that were of just me

"Thank you!" I smile to the photographers as I continued down the carpet. Ceci guided me over to a lady doing interviews on the side "Omg guys! We have Sabrina Carpenter over here!" She spoke into the microphone

"Hi!" I waved to the camera before giving the interviewer an excited smile "Sabrina you're looking lovely, who are you wearing tonight?" She asked before pointing it at me

"This is a new Versace gown" I smile "I love it! Let's talk about your music! You have released..4? Songs of your own as well as being featured on Peyton Meyers hold tight, is that right?" She asked

I nodded, "what more can we expect from you?" She asked "well I've got a few more songs in the making! One is currently being produced which is exciting" I smile

"And you just got back from touring with Joshua Matthews..a few weeks after leaving Peyton Meyers tour..what was tour like for you?" She questioned "uhh..tour was so exciting, I loved it. You get to meet so many great people as well as performing and learning a long the's definitely so fun" I smile

"It sure sounds it! Fans have always hoped for a bit more of an explanation on why you left The Up All Night Tour early as you or Peyton didn't really speak out about it..are you able to give us any information?" She asked

I sucked in a small breath "I..I just think that with everything going on with my career, there were a few problems with me being busy clashing with the shows..definitely not anyone's fault, there's no drama or just wasn't the right time for Peyton and I, he's got his own thing going and I've got mine" I smile, trying my hardest to not be problematic

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