Chapter 59

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I saw the blonde tug at josh to get up, him refusing to in response. Why wouldn't he dance? Especially with her?

She left her friends, stumbling over to the bathroom. I had managed to sober up a little the more I danced with my friends, keeping an eye on hers in my peripheral vision as josh doesn't seem to be doing to much apart from sit

Time passed, the blonde still hadn't returned from the bathroom, her friends being too drunk to realise "I'm just gonna go bathroom" I say to Amir, pushing past the busy dance floor to the door in the corner

I waited a few seconds to see if any girls would come out, once no one was leaving the bathroom, I pushed the door open gently, peering inside the room

The stalls to the left, a big couch like stool covering a majority of the space in the middle, sinks and mirrors lining the other wall of the fancy bathroom. The blonde in the red dress sat with her back to me, her head in her hands

I steadily walked over to her, crouching down beside her "..Sab?.." I asked gently. Her eyes were closed, shooting open slowly and dazed "hmm? Yea" she let her head full back drunkly

I smiled at how drunk she let herself get, putting my hands on her waist and helping her up "come on..let's get you out of the bathroom.." I chuckled, snaking an arm around her waist as she leaned into me, stumbling as she walked by my side

"..w-where's..Josh.." she stuttered, walking with her eyes closed "I'll take you to him, don't worry" I replied gently. She stirred, lifting her head up from leaning against my chest "I wish I could stay with you.." she mumbled just in time for josh to look up and see her

He slid out of the booth "oh love" he chuckled, taking her from me "thanks mate, she's a crazy one.." he smiled softly, sticking his hand out. I shook it, "glad she's in safe arms" I smile, leaving the blondes side and heading back over to my friends

"And how long were you watching her before you went in to get her?" Amir asked as I reached them "I just saw her go in and then never came out..not like he was doing anything useful" I mumble the last bit only loud enough for him to hear

"You ready to get going?" Vanessa came up behind us. I nodded, following the group out from the party, one thing staying on my mind, 'I wish I could stay with you'

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