Chapter 71

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I reached my apartment, unlocking it and getting inside, closing the door behind me. I lay down on the couch with a huff, my eyes trailing around the room before picking up my phone "..can you come over.?" I text before switching apps, aimlessly scrolling through to cure my boredom

"Sabrina Carpenter releases song 'break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored' only minutes after the stars sudden split from accused cheater, Joshua Matthews. Fans were quick to point out after carpenters live stream revealing the scandal, Peyton Meyer postponed his Arizona show and was later seen in LA with Carpenter. So did Peyton break up with his girlfriend?"

Peybrinaforever: the fact that Peyton postponed his show so that he could go see Sabrina!! Consider me dead

Sabbymylife: I like how josh isn't even on anyone's radar, like no one cares about him, we're all just like Ooo peybrina!!

I laugh slightly, a knock at my door drawing me away from the screen. I sit up, heading over and opening the door "Ahh!" Rowan screamed, jumping into my arms "you aren't a crying mess! That's so good!" She mumbled into me

I laughed, shutting the door behind her "where's corey?" I asked, sitting back on the couch "oh he's at work..but that doesn't matter! Tell me about you!" She smiled

"I..uh..spent the day with Peyton..the past two days.." I inform her. Her eyes widen and her mouth drops to the floor, "he's back?!" She questioned. I shook my head, "no he postponed his show to tonight so that he could come see me.." I reply

Her expression didn't change, nodding for me to go on "he just showed up, I was balling my eyes out and he carried me over to the bed, he laid with me and I fell asleep..I woke up this morning and he had gone down to beachwood to get coffee.." I smile at it

"Oh we all know how much you like their coffee.." she mumbled with a smirk "and then he came back, he sat and we talked about everything..then we went out for lunch and he sung I wish on the way home, he wouldn't let me even put my seatbelt on because that's how much he liked his car..he even asked for me to finish the tour with him.." I smile to myself as I look back on it

"What did he say? About the Vanessa thing?" She asked "apparently they never dated, it was a lie from management. He said they never did anything and that they had separate hotel rooms every night..he said that she spent most of the time on the plane with Amir.." I explained

"So they never went out! The whole thing was a lie? And the kiss in tokyo?" She asked "he was teaching her the dance..she heard the door jiggle and she kissed him..apparently after I left she apologised and said she was just trying to make me jealous, that she didn't realise we were sorta into each other" I replied

"Didn't realise?? Fans at the very back of the arena could realise it and she was right next to you." She spat. I nodded "yep..but I hadn't even thought about josh today..honestly, I'm not even sad that we aren't together..I never liked him that much anyway.." I sort of think aloud

"That's because you were so into Peyton still..and because josh got boring after the first date" she chuckled. I nodded again, "wait? So he asked you on tour? Where is he now?" She asked

I checked my phone "uh..probably on the way to the airport or on the plane" I reply. Her jaw dropped to the floor again, "you said no! You didn't go!" She hit me playfully

"Who in their right mind would say No!" She added. I shrugged, "I don't think tour is good for me.." I reply "well then don't perform! Just hang out backstage, go watch the show, stay in the hotel with him.." she listed

I nodded, "that's what he said.." I reply, biting down on my lip "surprise him" she looked over to me with her idea face on "what?" I question confused

"Fly to him in his room after the show finished.." she smirked..

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