Chapter 55

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It had been a few days, I had completed all 10 of the opening acts I was supposed to do with josh. Currently, I was back in LA while he was in Washington continuing the tour

I was with Ceci, on the way to Wendy's to decide on what to wear to the award show at the end of the week. "Did you hear about Peyton?" She asked, drawing my attention away from the window

My heart sunk at the thought, "what! Did something Happen to him?" I asked frantically. She gave me a weird look "No..he's back in America..he's in New York" she explained

I made an 'oh' face "the European leg went quickly.." I mumble. She nodded, " he's just got the American shows to do..and then he's back home" she had a small smile on her face

"Do you think he'll be at the award show?" I questioned. She shook her head, "Probably not..I assume he'd be busy" she replied. I bit down on my lip, did I want to see him? Or am I just missing Josh?

"Anyway..we're here" she pulled into Wendy's car park, stopping the car. We climbed out, heading inside to meet her "oh your back! How was your!" She jumped as we walked in

"It was amazing! I loved it" I smile to her, taking a look around the room "so..your first red carpet..any ideas?" She asked "I want something that'll stand out..I don't really mind what colour" I shrug

"Well I literally just got this Versace gown in..wanna try it?" She held up a red ball gown. I gushed over it "I love it" my eyes went wide. She chuckled, handing me the dress

I went to the changing room, sliding it on and zipping it up as much as I could. It was an elegant red gown with off the shoulder straps like Cinderella, a plunging V neckline and a gold diamond belt. I looked in the mirror, my jaw dropping to the floor

"It's gorgeous!" I shout out to them "well come show us then" Ceci replied. I stepped out of the changing room, making my way over to them "oh that's the one..100%" Ceci looked me up and down

Wendy appeared out front the racks of clothing, her eyes trailing around the dress "oh yea..that's perfect" she agreed with Ceci "that was trying on one dress" I laugh

"Do you want to try anything else on?" She asked. I took one last look in the mirror before shaking my head, "No, I love this one" I smile, disappearing back into the changing room to change

"I love how quick you are..when you came in before tour I was expecting for you to be here for hours..but you were only here for 40 minutes at most" Wendy laughed from outside the room

"It's a good thing I'm not fussy" I giggle, opening the door once I was finished. We bought the dress, heading back out to the car and getting inside "so did you invite your friends?" Ceci asked as she began driving

I nodded excitedly "yes! They're gonna come for the show and I'll meet josh before the carpet" I inform her "did he tell you that he's opening the show?" She asked

I furrowed my eyebrows "No..he didn't.." I mumble "oh..well his manager said they want to create like a collaboration sort of thing for the opening..he's been given the words to the part they want him to sing already" Ceci replied

"Oh well that's kinda cool" I force a smile onto my face

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