Chapter 67

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"o-oh.." I croaked. So he hasn't been dating her? And he hasn't been loving someone else..the whole time you've been faking it with josh. "I tried to leave after it happened too, I asked to go back to LA. They said No. you unfollowed me and you met josh..and that was it" he sighed sadly

I felt a pang in my chest, if only you had let him explain 3 or so months ago, none of this would've happened. "I'm sorry, sab..I really am..I tried to apologise as best as I could through the music, I thought it would be more special" he added

"Well I liked them..I spent day's crying with before you go and falling on repeat" i chuckled very softly, still keeping my eyes off of him. I huffed, sitting up and pulling my sweatshirt off as I got a hot flush, my cheeks feeling as though they were burning up

I didn't even think twice about it, until I realised I was sitting in front of him in my bra. His eyes stayed glued to my arm, "I like it" he smiled to my tattoo. I pulled the blanket further over my chest so that it didn't make anything uncomfortable, moving my arm to give him a better view

"What does it mean?" He asked. I shrugged "I dunno..I just saw it and thought it was's beautiful, and delicate..sort of like a know?" I looked between him and my tattoo

He nodded "I do" he smiled "do you have any?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow "you mean, you've seen me how many times without a shirt on and you haven't noticed it?" He chucked

"No! I haven't! Where is it?" I question with a small laugh. He pulled his shirt off of his head, turning around so I could see his back. He had a massive solar system tattoo across his muscular shoulder blades "when did you get that?" I asked

"When I was like..19" he worked it out, putting his shirt back on. "I feel really stupid for not noticing it" I face palm myself "it's were probably distracted.." he smirked

I rolled my eyes, throwing a pillow at him and hearing him chuckle " was josh..before the whole.." he trailed off, changing the topic back to being serious

"You want me to be honest?" I asked. He nodded, looking deep into my eyes. "When I first met him, I thought he was going to be something great. And he was for the first few days. The day I met him is the day you and Vanessa started dating..but I guess you weren't..we got that tattoos, did something fun, then the tour started.. he picked me up from downstairs, we got in the car and I found myself sitting there saying that's not what Peyton and I did on the way to his tour.." I started, watching as the smirk grew on his face as he remembered making out in the car

"And then we got in the plane and he asked me to come to the bedroom with him, and I couldn't do it. I sat with his manager. In his dressing room he would be glued to his phone, and the first few nights in the hotel he kept trying to do stuff..and I just didn't want to do it with him. He asked me out, I thought 'well if Peyton's dating her, maybe that's the right thing to do?' So I said yes, I never slept with him..tour finished and we went to the award show, I saw him on the carpet and I couldn't bring myself to even kiss him in front of the cameras, it felt wrong.."

"I remember watching you on stage and smiling thinking how much fun your having, and then he stood still on the other side all boringly. And I saw you come into the after party still looking happy, drunk, but happy so I tried to get him to dance and he wouldn't..he didn't pick up my calls the next few days, didn't message me about the I went over to his and well.. he told me I was frigid, that I never wanted to do anything with him..that he was bored.."

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