Chapter 73

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Third person

Sabrina opened her eyes slowly, her body being wrapped in strong muscular arms. She stirred lightly, not wanting to wake Peyton up

She waited a few more minutes until the man beside her moved, "good morning" she smiled, turning around in his arms so that she was now facing him. He smiled softly, his eyes still closed "morning baby" he growled lowly, burying his face in her hair to block out the harsh sunlight

She felt her heart skip a beat at the name, it felt so right. She slid out from beside him, disappearing into the bathroom and returning moments later with wet hair, wrapped in a towel

He smirked, watching as she walked around the room gracefully in front of him "I'm so happy your back.." he spoke from the bed. She smiled, taking his hand and pulling him up from the sheets "well..I'd be even..happier..if you got ready..because we have the..whole day together.." she spoke in between kisses, pushing him over to the bathroom

He smiled again, shutting to door and getting ready while she did the same in the main room, putting on her outfit and doing her makeup. He emerged from the steamy bathroom minutes later smelling like a mans fragrance shop, the subtle smell drifting over to her

"See I'm ready before you and I didn't even start till after you" he sat down on the bed "well yes that's because you get to wake up and look like that..I..look like a frog" she replied as she finished her face with setting spray

"Stop saying that otherwise I'm gonna have to come over there and ruin all your nice makeup. You look gorgeous always to me" he kept his eyes on the blonde. She zipped up her suitcase, "then that's what matters" she Smiled to him

Once their bags were collected, the two made their way down to the hotel lobby, climbing into the car that took them to their plane. Amir stepped onboard, "do I want to be on this plane?" He questioned once he got inside

"No" Peyton replied just before Sabrina shut him up "yes you do! We aren't doing anything.. I have my makeup done" she shot Peyton a playful glare, him huffing in response and sitting in one of the seats

"So where's Vanessa?" She asked once the plane took off "she thought it would be best that she went back to the normal plane.." Amir replied, scrolling busily through his phone

"Oh Sabrina! Are you performing tonight or just watching?" He looked up to her. "Just watching" she replied. Peyton poured from beside her "pleaseeee?" He begged. She shook her head, "how bad will it look if I just go from tour to tour to tour depending on which guy I'm seeing" she laughed

"Just one song.." he continued. The blonde sighed, "I will do boyfriend, that's it! Vanessa can do the rest" she pointed to him strictly. He nodded, "yes ma'am" he put his hands up in defeat

"So what are we gonna do in Vegas? Considering you can't do anything fun yet" he smirked to the blonde, referring to her age. "I may not be able to waste my money on absolutely nothing for the point of a game, but I can waste my money shopping in Chanel" she sassed in response

Peyton threw his head back "I hate shopping..unless it's for cars..oo we could go car shopping" he looked to her with wide eyes "what? To go buy the expensive new Bugatti to add to your collection of 4 cars" she laughed

"You only have one though!" He defended "the only way you'd get me spending that much on a car would be if it was customised pink" she giggled

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