Chapter 90

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We reached the apartment, heading back up to his and ordering food, sitting on the couch, snuggling up and watching a movie "I like this.." I smile up to him from leaning on his chest

"I do too" he replied, squeezing my body tightly for a few seconds "I've had the best few weeks being back here with you..if this is what your like when we're not even dating, I wonder what you'd be like when we are" I giggle

Peyton sighed slightly, "actually Bebe..I wanna talk about that" he sat up, sliding me off of him gently. My heart fell to my stomach, an embarrassed blush growing on my face. What if he doesn't even want to date you?

"y-yea?" I stutter, looking up to him. He took my hands in his, his eyes looking down to them with a soft smile on my face "I don't want to date.." he started

" either.." I lied. He chuckled softly, "No..I don't know how to word it..I don't wanna date you because I'm not dating you..I don't want things to be hard, I want you to be mine, I want you to be my..partner, my love, but..I don't know..girlfriend and boyfriend just seems too..not us.." he explained

"So..?" I furrow my eyebrows confused "So I want you to be mine, I want to skip the whole first date, mushy boyfriend girlfriend shit and I want it to be like how it is now, as if we've been together for 50 years and are madly I love. Partners, you are my love" he smiled

"I like that" I look to him lovingly. He pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him "so yes?" He questioned. I nodded "of course, 1000 percent yes" I lean down, kissing him while my hands grab either side of his face

"Peyton..I love you too" I sat up. He furrowed his eyebrows "what?" He asked confused "yesterday when you showed me the song, you said you felt like you could only produce it once you were here in love with me, not across the I love you too" I clarify

He smiled, his arms snaking around my waist, holding me tighter to him "you're so perfect" he mumbled into my side "I've got it! I know what to do!" I squeal, jumping off his lap

He looked to me confused, "stay there I'll be down in 5 minutes!" I call as I grab mine and his keys, leaving his apartment swiftly. I head up to mine, waiting impatiently for the elevator before opening the door and getting inside

I head to my bedroom, changing into the different outfit before sliding my sweatpants and T-shirt back on, and racing back down to his apartment, unlocking the door with his keys and throwing them to the table

"That was quick" he looked over to me, putting his phone down on the coffee table. I nodded "I thought of how to thank you" I reply, moving over to stand in front of him, pulling my shirt off over my head and the sweatpants down

His eyes flashed lustily "I bought it with Rowan, but it's pink and it matches the whole birthday theme" I show him the lingerie set I have on "so let's make the rest of the day all about you" I purred, climbing back on top of his lap, straddling him and attaching my lips to his neck

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