Chapter 70

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"Can we get a photo? Please! We're really big fans of you guys..we will hang it up on the wall" one of the waitresses asked. Peyton and I nodded, standing up once we had finished to take a photo with them

They got another customer to take the photo of about 6 of us standing together "thank you!" They Hugged is individually "no thank you!" Peyton smiled back

"Ready to go?" He asked me. I nodded, watching as Peyton paid for the food and headed out to the car. I climbed inside, sitting patiently as he put the seatbelt on me

We sat in the car driving, Peyton flicking between music stations until he heard a certain song come on, turning it up loudly "I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her, I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat, And a six four Impala.." he sung about half of the song

I laughed at him, he looked so happy singing to old school hip hop as he drove along the busy roads. His phone rung from the cup holder, the words 'Vanessa' lit up from the screen

I picked it up, handing it to him with a small frown on my face. He turned the music down low, taking the phone from me "for fucks sake" he mumbled as he pulled it up to him ear, the frown on my face easing

"Hey..yea..?...couldn't he call me..why are you even with actually I don't care..yes like 10 minutes..fine..okay.." he dropped the phone back in the cup holder "everything okay?" I asked quietly

He glanced over to me quickly before looking back over to the road, his hand moving to lie gently on my thigh "sure is" he started "she called because Amir wanted to know when I'd get home..I don't even want to know why they're together" he sighed

"Because it would upset you?" I question confused. A smile cracked onto his face, "No of course not. Because I don't want to throw up all over my beautiful, sexy car" he replied making me laugh

"You really had to compliment your car in there" I say while continuing to laugh, "how could I not? It would be rude" he stated

"You have literally complimented your car today more then you've complimented me the whole time I've known you" I look to him amused "well then I'll make sure I compliment you every day from now on. Sabrina, you look very nice in your sweatpants" I saw the smirk on his face

I hit his arm playfully, "you're unbelievable" I giggle. He sighed again, "I have to leave when we get home.." he stated. An uneasy feeling grew inside of me "I assume that's why she called..because we still have two weeks of the tour left and Arizona's tonight" he explained

"o-oh..exciting.." I say unenthusiastically, not wanting to be left alone again "you can always come.." he looked over to me briefly. I looked to him like he was crazy, "No. one thing I have learnt is that me and tours do not go well together.." I giggle awkwardly

Peyton pulled into the apartments car park, turning off his car "you don't have to perform, no one has to know your there.." he tried to tempt me. I sucked in a breath, looking over to him sweetly "I'm not sure.." I trail off

We get out the car, Peyton takes my hand as he leads me through the bottom floor of the apartment to the elevator "don't worry, you don't have to" he smiled down to me

"Will you be okay getting up?" He asks as it reaches his floor. I nod, "yea! Go..have fun on tour" I smile. He smiled to, leaning down and kissing my forehead "..see you in two weeks.." he stated just before leaving the elevator

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