Chapter 97

141 1 0

Third person

Police cars, ambulances and fire engines rushed to the scene of the completely wrecked car, trying their hardest to get the two out.

They managed to cut open the door Sabrina was on, the side furthest from the lamppost "oh my..guys their celebrities" a firefighter called, blocking the view of the crowding people and the blonde covered in blood

A medic wheeled the gurney over to him "were gonna have to lift her out of there, there's enough room by her feet to get her out" the firefighter pointed to the gap, crouching down to her her legs. With the help of another firefighter they managed to pull her out of the wreck, lying her flat on the hospital gurney

The medics instantly attended her, putting an oxygen mask on her face and wheeling her almost lifeless body to the ambulance.

"We gotta hurry" they called from back at the car. The firefighters returned "we can't get him out because of the lamppost, the easiest way will be getting him out through that side or cutting the top of the car off" he explained

"Cut the roof, we won't be able to get him out" another called back, bringing over the tools used to cut the roof off the car. They cut their way through quickly, medics crouching as close to him as they could to supply oxygen, however it being virtually useless to him

They finally got the half of the roof off, the gurney behind wheeled round to the side of the car "he's a lot worse then she was.." one of them mumbled "the public can't see, it'll spread like a fire..cover him up" another commanded

They lay Peyton on the bed, covering his body with the white tarpaulin they had with them as they wheeled him quickly to the ambulance

Cries from the public that had seen the crash or gathered around, fans who had been on her live stream rushing to the scene. They all cried as they saw him being wheeled away, the ambulance rushing off with its sirens, leaving them with one question

Is Peyton dead?

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