A Run In

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While Kim was in the halls she kept thinking about stuff. Like what it was going to be like here,who her classmates are,and more thoughts ran through her head. But then she slipped and fell onto the hall floors. "Oww!" No one was around to see that so that was lucky. Then she heard laughing near by. "Haha loser" the voice of Bakugo laughed out. "That's not funny..Wait your Bakugo right?" "That's me." "Well for one stop laughing at me. That's not what hero's do. They help everyone they can. And for two how did this puddle get there?" "I made it myself" Bakugo said proudly. "Why?!" "Cause I wanted to see kids like you fall into my prank." "Bakugo that's not nice" a voice in the distance shouted at him. When the voice came closer Kimberly's eyes widened. It was her favorite hero. Shoto Todoroki. "Oh my god! It's hero Shoto! Ok play it cool" she though in her head. "Why do you always have to ruin the fun icyhot?" "Cause you need to learn not to do that on students anymore." "Fine but you'll regret this" Bakugo said walking off. "I'm sorry for his behavior. Here let me help you up" Todoroki said holding out his hand. She took it and got up. "Thanks Shoto." "Oh please. Call me Todoroki ok?" "Ok. Umm quick question?" "Yes?" "Do you know where class 1-A is" Kimberly asked nervously. "Oh so your the new kid. Welcome to U.A. Actually I do know where that class is. It use to be my class. It's just down the hall there but I would pay attention this time" Todoroki said pointing down the hall. Then the bell rang. "Crap! I'm going to be late! Thank you Sho- I mean Todoroki! Have a plus ultra day" Kimberly said running off. "You too" He said waving. "She seems like she'll get along here real nicely. After all she is something a little more then one of my students. I can tell she's something of mine."

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