Before Battle Training

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"Why do I have to be the only one here whose quirkless" Kimberly though in her head while she was getting her gym clothes on. Everyone was getting ready for training but it's battle training so this should be nuts. Everyone went outside as told and waited for the directions on what battle training were doing. While they were waiting a girl and a boy walked up to her and they looked like the hero's Uravity and Ingemium. "Oh hey your the new kid right" the girl asked. "Oh yeah. I'm Kimberly. What's your name?" "I'm Saria. Daughter of Uraraka or you might know as Uravity." "And I'm Mark. Son of Ida or you know as Ingemium." "Nice to meet you two." "Hey Kim" Dan said walking over to them. "Hey Dan." "Hello Dan. Good to see you." "Good to see you to Mark and Saira." "You look like Deku Dan. Is that a thing where your suites are like your parents or something?" "No. It's what we chose to do. Do you have a hero parent?" Kimberly's smile went away when saria asked that question. "Well to be honest I don't know who. My mom Suki is not a hero but my dad is..but the thing is...I don't know who my dad is." "Oh I'm so sorry." "It's fine Saria. But there is one thing I do remember of him." "And what's that" Mark asked. "It's a song he sang to me before he left. And I still remember how it gose to." While they were chatting Deku walked up to the class and got ready to explain what they were doing till Todoroki walked up to him. "Can we talk for a second Midoriya? It's important. It's about one of your classmates" Todoroki whispered in his ear. "Sure Todoroki. Ok class I'll be right back just give me a couple more minutes" Deku said then walking off. "I wonder why he's leaving us again" Kimberly asked. "Dan is this normal?" "No Saria. He doesn't leave unless he has to talk to a hero privately or a mission and the hero's need him. "Oh. Well this must be important if he's talking to Todoroki. We must give him our time" Mark said fixing his glasses before he puts his mask back on. "Your right Mark. We have to give them our time."

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