The War Against Heros Vs.Villains

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"We've lost three or two times already Dabi. What do we do?" "We get help from the rest of the league Toga. Let's go." They got up and went for the leagues base. "Well well Well look who it is" Shigaraki said looking towards the door. "We could use some back up. You see there are we would like to get to join. There kids of pro hero's." "But they keep escaping or running away or got help" Toga complained. "It was one simple task! I guess we will have to get everyone else in on this. Kurogiri let's get back up."
It was a peaceful walk to U.A. for the kids so far. But then they heard screaming and people running towards where they were running. "What's going on?!" "I don't know Saria! Team Plus Ultra! We need to find out what's going on! Let's go" Dan shouted. They ran towards the danger to see a building with villains inside. "Holy crap" Lucas said. "We need to take them down" Dan said. "Are you crazy?! We don't even have our suites" Mark said doing his arm thing again. "I always come prepared" Saria said taking out there suites from her backpack. "How and why do you have our suites" Kimberly asked. "Cause you never know and I snuck them out of class" Saria said pulling Lucas's grenade thing. They went to a ally way that was next to the building and suites up. They came back out ready to fight. "Deku help!!" Dan heard someone call from the building. "Ok we might be fine. Our suites make us look like the pro hero's that our parents are so we should be ok." "Nice thinking Kim. Team Plus Ultra here's the plan! The villains are on the top of the build with others on the other floors. So Saria you Mark and I will float up there while Lucas and Kimberly you two go through the levels and get people out and take villains out ok?!" "Yeah!" "Let's do this!" "Lets kick some ass!" "I'm in!" "Alright! Team Plus Ultra.....divvied!" They all spread out. Dan Mark and Saria ran down the ally way to get behind the building while Lucas and Kimberly went inside.
"Ok so what are we looking for" Lucas asked. "Villains or civilians" Kimberly explained. "And don't try to explode the whole place down" Kimberly said looking at him with a glare. "OH COME ON!! IF I HAVE TO ILL EXPLODE YOUR FACE OFF!" "Look Lucas we have to focus. If we aren't careful we could get caught." They stayed silent for a while until Lucas spoke up. "Hey icyhot?" "What explodo dork?" "Why do you fight me?" "Cause I try to defend Dan cause you keep bullying him." Lucas looked down and sighed. "I only do that for my dad." Kimberly looked at him shocked. "What?!" "Don't tell anyone this and ok tell the team later but....but I really like that Dan is my friend. I only do it cause my dad dose it to Deku. And I want to make him proud." Kimberly looked down guilty after fighting him a lot. "I-Im so sorry Lucas." "Sorry for what?" "Sorry that I fought you. You can blow my face off." She closed her eyes for incoming but instead she left something wrap around her. She opens her eyes to Lucas hugging her. She hugged back in return. "A-a-apology excepted." "I know that was hard to say." "Hey you two!" Five guys in black with mask on came out and started to charge. "Want to take them down together?" "You bet! Let's kick some ass!" Kimberly and Lucas ran towards them. Kimberly kicked one guy in the face while Lucas exploded one of there faces.
"Ok we're up and I'm about to.." Saria puked as quite as she can while Mark patted her back. "Ok let's see whose all here." Dan took a peek to see Toga,Dabi,a guy with a hand on his face,and a guy with a purple head. "I know the two on the left but who are the two on the right" Saria asked. "Shigaraki" Dan whispered with anger in his voice. "Him?!" "Shhh keep your voice down and yes it's him." Then they heard a boom from the level below them. "Oh no" Dan whispered. "Alright on the count of three ready Lucas?" "Ready!" "One....two..." Dan quickly got up and opened the door. "Don't do that! Come on" He whispered. "Oh shoot" Kimberly whispered once she was hidden. "Yep....The League Of Villains." "How do we take these bastards out" Lucas asked. "Well we should just do a sneak attack. Like......Ice! Kimberly can you make ice and freeze them from beneath" Dan whispered asked. "Uhhhh there's a problem with that" Kimberly whispered looking down at her hands. "What do you mean there's a problem?" "I uhhh well I.." "Just spit it out already!" "Shhhh lucas don't shout!" "Well I uhhh." Kimberly turns around and takes a deep breath. "I'm quirkless" she said looking down. "WHAT" They all shouted. "What was that" Toga asked looking behind them. "Great you guys got us caught" Kimberly whispered. "Why didn't you tell us" Dan whispered asked. "Cause I thought you wouldn't want to be friends." Kimberly looked down and shredded a tear. They all hugged her to cheer her up. "We would never want to stop being friends with you" Dan said. Then they started to float. "Oops sorry guys." "Saria float us down now we're gonna be spotted!" She quickly put her fingers together and they dropped. "That was close" Mark said fixing his helmet. "Yeah. But there's another thing I forgot to mention.." "Well look what we found. The kids we have been searching for" Toga said looking at them. "Oh frick." "NOW!" They threw a punch of whoever was in front of them and spread out. Dan was fighting Shigaraki,Saria was fighting Toga,Mark and Lucas were fighting Kurogiri,and Kimberly was fighting Dabi. This was war.
"Hey has anyone seen the kids" Deku asked the class. "Deku look at this! Four villains are attacking the city and five unknown pros are fighting them! Hold up it says that the five hero's are Deku,Ground Zero,Shoto,Uravity,and Ingemium!!" "WHAT?!" Deku ran over to look at the students cell phone and she was telling the truth. "Breaking new! Five pro hero's are attacking the villains...hold up look at this! It looked like the pros are losing! Oh no! And another villain shows up!" "Holy shoot!! Wait I'm not there then that means......HOLY SHOOT!" Deku books it out of the classroom to find the others. But then he ran back and said to the class "You kids go back to your dorms. Class is done early" he said then ran off.
"I don't know how much longer I can take of this!!" "Me ether four eyes! What about you guys?!" "I'm ow! Good! Umm guys group up! I have a idea!" The 5 grouped up for a plan. "Ok before yoga found us I was trying to tell you something! I have a quirk!" "WHAT?!" "I know I said I was quirkless but that was before! On the day of the sleepover my dad gave me his quirk! So now I can do this!" Kimberly ran towards the villains and when they were about to attack she made a ice wall that covered them in ice! "Yes!" But the villains got out of the ice and hit Kimberly forcing her to get thrown back. "Ok new plan! Any ideas?!" Dan was thinking till he had the craziest idea. But it was worth it. "You guys! I have a idea. Now listen carefully."

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