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Early morning, I received a text message. Proceed to my office once you have arrived.

Knowing it was from the editor, I immediately went to his office as soon as I have arrived in the company. And it was not as surprising to see that I have arrived first than that chikin.

"It is good to see that you arrive rather prompt Rosie. Just as Lisa had commended." I honestly do not know how to react to his words. Being in a position wherein the person already expects from you as you were recommended is a hard thing to maintain because once you disappoint it is hard to get back in the game.

Before I could form any type of reply, the office door opened showing Jisoo who was rather in a bewildered state. She straightened up as soon as she recognize that we were looking at her but before she could open her mouth to explain her tardiness, the editor, Mr. Lee had waved her off and spoke. "I do not need anymore explanation from you Miss Kim." I turned to glance subtly at her and she her hand alwas already balled in a fist as if controlling her anger as she was scolded without hearing her explanation. This just proves my point how people easily judge once their expectation about you was not in anyway met.

"Anyways. I called the both of you here because I have read your proposed questions. And I have already decided which one to pick." He paused for awhile and looked at us. He turned to Jisoo first and then to me and beamed. "Congratulations Miss Park, you questions are on point. They are not too personal. And as per reward to being chosen. You would be the one to interview Mr. Jeon." To say I was beyond surprised to be picked. Knowing Jungkook's persona from other reporters I drafted very subtle questions that he could answer. And I guess my decision to do so paid off.

"Jisoo, even though you have failed this process. I want you to accompany Rose to the location and maybe there you might learn a thing or two. In that way, you can catch up to Miss Park." I must admit even if this process was a competition between me and her, I could not imagine how she could easily accept insults throw her way by Mr. Lee. It is either she just clenches her fist or tighten or jaw and nod away.

"You may leave." He said. I let Jisoo out first before facing Mr. Lee. I just could not let his behaviour go as he pleases.

"Mr. Lee." I called. "If I may ask?" He just nodded signifying that he wanted me to continue. "I just noticed how the way you have addressed Miss Kim and I have no idea why you are doing such." He raised his brows on my way as if silently asking if I were serious of asking such question.

"First of all it should not be any of your business of the way I address her. But to appease your curiosity she deserves that to motivate her to do well. Because honestly Miss Park, Miss Kim's situation is ruining her performance and she should learn how to separate her personal problems to the professional ones. If that is all you may leave."

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