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7 am. The clock reads.

It is a first for me after along time to have woken up earlier than my alarm. Not only that I am all ready to go to work.

Sighing. I got my bag and left my apartment checking it was secured before I go.

After a twenty minute drive I have arrived in the company. I settled my things first in my cubicle as there was time to spare. As soon as it was finished, I proceeded to the conference room.

Upon taking in the place, I was surprised to see that Park was already there seated. I haven't seen her though when I arrived which means she came earlier that I did.

I decided to take the seat opposite of hers rather than take a seat beside her.

As I took my seat I heard her say, "Isn't it an etiquette to greet a person?" I raised my brow at her. "Are you talking to me?"

She met my gaze and said; "I don't see anyone here rather than thr both of us."

I shrugged. "It still depends on the person if he or she would to greet another."

"Tsk. Tsk. Such thinking truly prevents a person in performing well in his or her field don't ya think?"

I stayed silent. "Don't you think that since we are paired together that it is best if we act in a civil manner with one another?"

"We don't need to do that. You do your thing and I do mine." She would have protested but then the door opened revealing the remaining people involve in this meeting.

3rd Person

"I see that everyone is here." Lisa Manoban said. "Now. Here are the task assigned for the pairs for today."

She flashed in the prompter the coverage that each pairing will take.

"For the ongoing race, Momo and Dahyun will be incharge of the coverage. The tricky part of this task is that many channels are covering this event. So your goal is to captivate the audience in tuning in to our channel rather than that of the others." She directed to the pair incharge.

"The next task is gymnastics. There are many entusiasts for this field. And based on your profiles I saw that Seulgi has a background on this field. It would be of our advantage if Miss Kang and Miss Bae will be able to deliver the news in detailed as expected my viewers." She nodded towards Seulgi and Irene.

"And lastly, the eating contest. Since today's menu for the contest involves chicken, I have been informed that Miss Kim, this is a food that you are very fond of to eat. So, I signed you up to this event not only to do the coverage but also to take part of the said event. I want you and Miss Park to be interactive in this one. I am hoping to get good reviews from the both of you." She imposed upon the pair.

"Tha will be all. I expect good results to you. Good day ladies." With that Lisa left and the pairs went on with their task.

Whose pairing will immerge successful?

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