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Man! I am beyond famished.

After the first interview, the couples keep strutting the red carpet one after the other. And thanks to Rose's first sampler interview, I knew how to handle ignorant celebrities and at the end of the day we did finish all of the couples listed in our sheets.

"You look bummed." I look at my supposed partner for the week. "More of famished." I countered.

It was then when we heard a beeping sound. I checked my phone and indeed I got a message.

Congratulations for today!

I will see you all tomorrow same time and place. -L

Somehow I felt happy receiving that from Ms. Manoban, it just signifies how progressive our day was.

I then tucked the phone in my pocket and gathered my things preparing myself to leave. When Rose suddenly spoke "Hey." I looked her way. "Do you mind if we grab dinner together?" She asked shyly.

It was a first to see her like this. I must admit in these past few days she is not that bad as I assumed her to be.

"Yea sure. I could really use some food." I said as I rubbed my belly. She smiled at my action and unconsciously grabbed my hand as we went to her car. As I felt her touch, I was a blushing mess if anyone could ever see me. "I know just the place." She said before opening the door for me.


Not far from the Gala was a small dinner. It may seem as if it is occupying a secluded place but as soon as you step inside, the place was huge.

"Nice right?" Rose asked as we took our seats to which I nodded. "Man. How did you know this place?" I asked at awe as to why I never knew such place existed even though I lived here for more than five years.

"Well when the girl is hungry amd lazy to prepare food for herself, her feet just takes her to places." She said smiling.

It was then when a woman around her thirties approached our table and handed a booklet "Welcome to Diner, I am Tess. Here is the menu. I'll get back in awhile to take your orders." She said as she went to the other customer.

When she came back she jotted down our orders. Two pieces chicken with rice and a smoothie for me. As a slice of apple pie and orange juice for Rose.

As we waited for our orders, we had small conversation. "You know I am quite curious about you." I said.

"About what?"

"Weel if you remembered the first time we talked to Mr. Lee?" I asked to which she nodded. "He said you were a senior editor on your previous work. I mean why choose ESPN then?" She paused for awhile before speaking. "Well let's just say that the environment of my previous job is not that appealing to me anymore for me to stay."

Our conversation was cut short when our orders arrived and we immediately dig in. "Man this chicken is lit." I expressed earning a chuckle from Rose. "You have something near your mouth." I tried searching what she meant with the use of my tongue but I did not find it. "Allow me." She then leaned closer to me and got of the chicken crumbs near my mouth. To say my heart simply fluttered with the proximity that we have. I then cleared my throat as she pulled away. "You eat like a baby." She jested as I pouted.

After eating, I insisted to Rose that I should be the one to pay afterall she had brought me to a place that cooks amazing fried chicken.

She then drove me home with parting words to see each other tomorrow.

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