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It was already friday marking the last day of the week for me and Jisoo to work together as weekends are our day off.

These past few days had been a total bliss for the both of us. I can't seem to let go of these feelings that I started to feel for her.


Wednesday (3rd day)

As we finished our assigned tasks, Jisoo had invited me over for dinner. She said that she had gone to the groceries recently and had a lot of stuffs available to cook.

She keeps bragging about her chicken pesto pasta.

"Hey." She greeted as I rang her doorbell. "I thought you would bail on me tonight." She ranted to which I chuckled. "I wouldn't dare. And besides who would want to bail on free food?" I asked jokingly earning a slap to my arm.

She instructed me to relax at the sofa and to watch tv as she finish up dinner.

Minutes later, I heard a shriek from the kitchen. As I bolted towards Jisoo, I saw that she was juggling the hot pan alternately. Grabbing a mit, I approached her way and took the pan with my one hand as the other wraps around her waist to steady her in place.

As I successfully placed the pan in a secured place, I turned towards her direction. And to say I was surprised at how close our faces were. Our distance made me gulp as the tension surrounding us suddenly became thick.

"Ji...soo." I muttered stuttering. I inched closer towards her. Our lips almost touching and I did not see any protest from her eyes.

It was a ring from my phone that brought her back to reality and made her push me away. I cleared my throat and excused myself to take a call.

"Rosie!" I heard from the other line.

"God damn it, Lisa! What do you want?"

"Chill I just wanted to invite you to drink..." I did not let her finish what she had to say and cancelled the call.

I went towards the dining area and Jisoo offered that we eat. It was the most awkward dinner I have ever had.

I left as soon as dinner finished. We only said a simple goodnight.

I could not sleep peacefully that night. I kept thinking how it would felt if her lips had touched mine. I kept tossing and turning. Before slumber came my way, I decided to confront her tomorrow.

However, it seems that Jisoo will not make it easy for the both of us.

Everytime I approach her way she keeps on evading me. It was only during our work time that she worked professionally in front of the camera and conversed with me.

And here I am now, after two days of silent treatment. I am just like a lost puppy who keeps a longing glance on her way. I sighed.

"You know. That sigh of yours means you have a problem." My intruding bestfriend.

"What are you doing her?" She shrugged. "Rosie this is my company after all. I am allowed to loiter around." Her eyes then signalled towards Jisoo's direction. "So how long are you gonna mop around? You might regret it when someone taps that ass." I glared at her to which she laughed off.

I want her.

I want us together.

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