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After my talk with Lisa, I am determined to talk to her today especially that by next week it would be rare for us talk to each other given that there is a change in the pairings.

I saw her stood up from her cubicle and went to the pantry. I silently followed her. As soon as I went inside, I locked the door startling her.

She did not utter a word but throw a glare instead in my direction.

"Jisoo, pleas just talk to me." I pleaded but she did not respond. She just moved passed me and aimed for the door. But before she could hold the knob, I grabbed her wrist, turned her around and pinned her on the wall.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" She said her tone raised.

"Just give me a chance please. There was something there last night. You felt it. I felt it." She looked away before muttering "you do not know what I felt. Do not put words into my mouth."

"Then why did you not resist me. We both know that if it was not for that call hell we might even be doing more that just kissing." She still was stubborn and did not look my way.

I held her chin up and turned her to meet my eyes as I leaned closer. "Stop fighting this. Stop fighting us." I whispered as I finally closed our distance.

And when our lips collided, I almost wanted to moan as I felt how soft her lips was. I did not feel her struggle instead she stood still. Wanting to test the waters, I began moving my lips. It took awhile before I felt her kiss back. Our kiss began to be rougher which made me groan but as soon as she heard the noise, it was as if she was struck by a lightning her body froze and with all force she pushed me away.

Everything around us seems to be in slow motion, as she created the space between us, I saw tears flow down her cheeks, her piercing eyes glaring at me and that was when I felt a hard slap to my cheeks. I heard her mutter "You are the worst!" Before she turned around and left closing the door with a loud thud.

That moment all kinds of emotions surge through me. I felt stunned, surprised but what I felt most was that I was hurt.

I opened the door and went out. As I walked, I knew that people's gazes turned my way. And technically, I felt embarassed. They surely heard what had happened. I just proceeded my way.

As I sat in my cubicle and glanced at her area and she was not there. Her things weren't there as well.

Guilt had crept my way, knowing I must have hurt her more than intended. With my fist clutched I came with a decision that might save us both in the future.

With all things done, I left a paper on my desk, grabbed my things and left without looking back to the place that teached me almost everything I did not expect I could feel.

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