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Sophia's POV

I picked up my black training vest as my trainer dismissed me from this morning's session.

I had unstrapped the boxing gloves before I walked out the ring.
I was in gray yoga pants that outlined my now perfect ass and sweat glistened my tan skin and the black Nike sports bra matched the gray yoga pants.

I had on Nike airway runners and my waist length hair was in a ponytail.

"Good job today Soph" my trainer, Will says and I smiled thanking him.

I picked up my thermo bottle and took a drink sighing at the taste of the cool water in my mouth.
My phone rang and I picked it up from my duffle bag seeing mum's name flash through the screen.

"Hey mum" I said with a smile.

"Can you switch to face time?" She asks and I switched my iPhone X model to face time mode.

I smiled at her.

"Hi mum" I greeted again waving my hand that wasn't holding the phone but the bottle.

"Oh my goodness honey,you look gorgeous" mum gushed making me blush.

"Thanks. How are you?" She smiled and started telling me about how her week had been going.

Dad came into view.
"Hi princess" he greeted taking a seat next to my mum.

"Hi dad" I said. I'm a daddy's kind of girl since I'm an only girl apart from my three brothers.

"How's France?" Dad asked and we spent the next hour talking about our lives.


"Alright honey,we wanted to tell you something" mum says nervously and I frowned.

"Ok?" I said. Now I'm curios.

"We think its best that you come back to America" I gaped at the phone screen.

Are they serious?! Is this a joke?! No way am I going back to America!! I hate it there! Everyone is so mean to me and I'm still traumatised about what happened to me years ago.

Without another thought,I cut the call and put it on airplane mode.

I can't talk right now.

I walked out the private gymnasium and got in my car before the French press could get pictures of me.

Being a seventeen year old model can be quite a lot.

I parked up outside the heavily guarded front gates of my aunt's manor,where the paparazzi crowded over.

The guards pushed the paparazzi and gossip press teams away from taking more pictures.

Thank god for the tinted windows.

I drove in and drove on for a while cause the manor was by the hills and I had to follow this concreted path passing by those neatly trimmed grass statues and the green grass along with the rose maze in order to park up the manor which was like a round about,with a typical angel fountain in the middle.

Very,French and vintage if you ask me.

I got out with my duffle bag and walked in greeted by one of the maids.

"Hello" even though the press labeled me like this rich spoilt brat who gets everything they want,its the polar opposite.

Well,I mean my dad spoils me but not to the point where I get EVERYTHING I want.
I remember, back in America I had to work as my mother's PA during the summer just so I could get my first car which was a Civic Honda M6.

I really liked that small car but then the press started talking about how my parents were getting poorer,they couldn't afford a lambrogini for their precious daughter.

Then the next thing I know,dad bought the whole Bugatti factory where they made those Porsche cars and gifted me a La Bugatti Veyron which shut up the press immediately.

My dad can quite be too much sometimes.

"Hello ma'am" I rolled my eyes.

"Rita,if anyone should be calling someone ma'am, it should be me. My name is Sophia and please just call me that. Ma'am makes me sound old" she smiled and nodded.

"The madam Laura is out having brunch with her lady friends" I nodded.

"Thank you. I'll be in my room upstairs if you need anything" I give her a small smile again before I left.

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