XXI- to watch

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A wide smile crossed Atlas's face as his laptop screen showed the icon of a brand of security camera. From a few visits to 𝑺𝒐𝒍'𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆 he could see what type was used in the store and from his thorough research into surveillance cameras of all kinds before he installed some in (Y/n)'s home he knew that the ones in 𝑺𝒐𝒍'𝒔 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒆 could be accessed remotely with the password.

Some stress, money and anguish later Atlas had full access to the live footage in his beloved (Y/n)'s workplace.

He was sat in bed at around eleven thirty that night, his screen being the only source of illumination in his room, as he was going to observe (Y/n) at work for the first time. Ever since the genesis of his stalking habits he needed a way to see how she was getting in in her work life, now he did and Atlas couldn't be happier.

Four panels showed on the screen and if he clicked to the right then a further four would be displayed but the only one Atlas really cared about was the one directed at the cash register. He double clicked that one so it would take up his whole screen and examined what he was seeing.

At first it seemed that his dear flower was ringing something up for someone but upon closer inspection Atlas could see that she was in the midst of a conversation as the store was empty apart from her and this guy.

An oddly familiar guy at that.

A shot of jealousy rushed through Atlas. He was so caught up in (Y/n)'s allure that he completely forgot about those around her. Sure, he'd glare at the odd person who he thought walked too close to her on the street or wasn't giving her the respect she deserved. Maybe a questionable thought would cross his mind but then they'd be gone and that would be the end of it, Atlas could then go back to dreaming about (Y/n) and forget all about it.

But this was different.

She was talking to him, smiling with him and he... Atlas gasped slightly and put his hands to his cheeks in horror when the man reached out to touch her arm.

This was worse than he thought.

Yet again the lack of microphones was really thwarting Atlas's attempts to get a grip on what exactly was going on.

His heart clenched with the sight of this disgusting man's hand touching (Y/n)'s perfect skin, it wasn't acceptable! Atlas wished he could reach into the scene and pluck (Y/n) away but she wasn't really right in front of him, she was far away.

He was wrestling with himself to continue watching to make sure that nothing more happened and get a better grasp on who this man was and what his relationship to (Y/n) was or ends the torture he was putting himself through by watching.

No. Atlas couldn't tear his eyes away no matter how badly he wanted to. Luckily the contact between (Y/n) and that thing didn't last very long. A customer had walked in so the male speaking with (Y/n) had to distance himself from her.

It was only when he turned that it suddenly hit Atlas just who it was.

It was Leo.

Oh, he'd had a bad feeling about him from the get-go, maybe his envy extended further than just Leo's closeness with (Y/n). Atlas could easily recall first meeting Leo and feeling very physically inferior, Leo had an air of confidence that Atlas had just never possessed.

He started to chew on his nail as he observed (Y/n), only looking at her could slightly ease the great strain Atlas felt. Her gentle and calm smile as she handed the customer their items and receipt promoted Atlas to level his breaths. He took a few strands of his slightly overgrown blonde hair and twisted it between his fingers, he liked to imagine that it was (Y/n) playing with his hair, running her fingers over his head and washing away all of Atlas's negative thoughts.

But when the customer left and Leo approached her again the fantasy was broken. "Ugh!" He cried out, pulling on the bit of hair he'd been holding. Atlas slammed his laptop shut, he couldn't bear it for much longer.

Atlas had to take action somehow. He already needed to somehow get (Y/n) to come to his parents' anniversary celebration and rehearsal, maybe that could be his way in with her. If they pretended to be together for his family at the rehearsal perhaps (Y/n) would see how good Atlas could be to her and she'd want to be with him for real.

The main issue was getting her away from Leo, at this point in time Atlas didn't know how close they were or how regularly they saw each other but she definitely seemed painfully closer to him than she was to Atlas.

That wouldn't do.

"Hey, this is new, right?" Leo pointed towards the soda machine, it looked basically the same as the one that had been before except how it would look if it was put through a high pressure wash.

"Yeah, Sol said he got it installed this morning. The old one was always breaking so it's really been a long time coming." (Y/n) said, the shiny red plastic reflected the bright lights all around the store.

"We should play another game, like try mixing up all the different drinks and seeing who can-"

"You know I can't play games with you my whole time at work?" (Y/n) sighed, she liked having Leo around but he was always eager to do something with (Y/n). He always devised new games to play round the store, he'd open up a conversation with her the very second she was unoccupied and it was... A lot.

Part of her wanted to just tell him to not show up every single night and say that she'd tell him if Indigo dropped by. But it felt cruel to say, he had clearly found some sort of emotional support within (Y/n) and she didn't want to break his trust by depriving him of it.

"I don't make you play games the entire time... Only when there's no one else in the store. Come on, it'll be fun!" He pleaded.

"You know what I did before you here every night when I got bored?"

Leo frowned.

"I used to listen to the music... It's nice to have a little peace." She turned up the volume that was coming the speakers.

Leo glanced up at one of the speakers sceptically, he wanted to talk with (Y/n). Of course he knew he should count himself lucky to even be in her presence but hearing her voice was like a blessing to his ears and she was taking that away. He cast his heterochromatic eyes back to her and saw (Y/n) moving her lips to the words of the song.

He gulped guiltily at the way his vision was fixed intently on her lips.

love, from indigo ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now