Please No! Chapter 15

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Charlie's P.O.V


A sigh escaped my lips as I sat down. The food court was bustling with the usual teenagers on a Saturday. "Goodness me you can shop Lily!" I exclaimed to her resting my feet up on a spare chair groaning at how sore my feet seemed to be.

 "I love to shop and at least you now have clothes and don't have to keep going commando underneath my clothes that you are currently borrowing from me" She said to me bluntly. I felt my cheeks blush at her referral to my not having any undergarments on underneath my clothes. I shrugged my shoulders still feeling my cheeks heated up.

 "I'll go grab the food ok" I told her Lilly nodded her head distracted with her phone. I got up from my seat leaving her by herself and got in the lineup for Maccas when I got to the front of the line I had a girl around my age serving me. 

"Hey what would you like today!" She asked me her voice just a tad bit cheery but otherwise I returned her smile and ordered "Hey can I please get 2 large chips, 2 cheese burgers, and 2 large cokes please"

"That should be ready soon could you just wait to the side for your food to be ready" She told me in her highly cheery voice I nodded my head and moved to the side.

While waiting I looked over to where Lily was sitting she was no longer on her phone but she was talking to someone who was now with her by the similarities that I could see between the both I was guessing that this was her twin brother. "2 cheeseburgers, 2 chips, 2 large cokes" An older man called out my order. I walked over to the counter and smiled at the man as he passed me the food. He returned the smile with a friendly smile. I started walking back over to Lily and her brother when my wolf arose from her peaceful slumber instantly I began sniffing the air for her curious as to what arose her. I smelled the most delicious smell I think I had ever smelt in my life, A mixture of honey and milk mixed with chocolate. The smell was tantalizing I kept walking and didn't notice that I had made it to our table and had sat down already.

CLAP I was awoken from my daze to Lily clapping her hands in my face I flinched back from the land sound. "Sorry Charlie you seemed to be in a different universe" Lily explained to me I just nodded and she continued "Anyway like I was saying this is my brother who I have told you about but I don't think I have ever told you his name" She shrugged and went on "So this is my big brother by a minute Sean"

I  looked over to where Sean was and was frozen I took in a big sniff of air and smelt the smell it was emanating from him. My wolf was fully awake now purring and taking in his smell, comforting her. I watched his form closely he took in a sniff as well and froze just looking at me. A big goofy smile appeared on his face and he just stared at me. I felt and heard my wolf howl inside me and I heard a returning howl "Mate" was all that was said. I felt a big goofy smile spread over my face which I believed looked a lot like Sean's. Of course I know what a mate meant I had found the person I belonged with forever

Sean's P.O.V

One word "Finally"



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