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I can't see

One of those piece of shit cops has thrown some tear gas and its going off quickly, surrounding us with a cloud of smoke. I can't see my friends, I can't even see my own feet. 

I'm so mad that this is what the world has come to, that our own government has betrayed us this way. We shouldn't have to protest for this to be taken seriously?! Black Lives Matter, they always have and they always will. So tell me why our government and authority figures act like they don't. Tell me why they are allowed to be prejudiced, violent and murderous against people of colour for no god damn reason other than the fact their skin tone is different?! Where is the sense in that? Someone tell me because I honestly do not know. 

So here I am, on a Friday night, with my sign; Marching and protesting for what I believe in. We want to be heard and we want to a change so that's why we're protesting. For all the lives we've lost so far, for all the people of colour who have been wrongfully arrested, assaulted or even killed and for all the black lives of the future.

I came with my best friend Sarah. We asked our other friends but apparently they're against it. Fuck them, if you're not with the movement, you're against it. And they've made their choice.

"Sarah!" I shout, knowing fine well she can't hear me but I need to find her, I need to know she's okay. "SAR-" suddenly i had the wind knocked out of me, I bend over to catch my breath and an arm reaches out to touch me. I see a guy in a mask, an absolute beast of a man towering over me, I start to panic. He bends down quickly 

"Are you okay?" he shouts "Sorry for nearly knocking you over, these motherfuckers have to pay for what they're doing" and then he runs off, picks up a live tear gas canister and fucking throws the thing back at the cops. HOLY SHIT.  if this wasn't all so scary, I'd find that kind of hot. Actually, never mind, it is totally hot. 

I pull to the side to get a drink and I find Sarah, she's helping victims with water and first aid. Luckily there are no severe injuries so far. Again I start to think of how we've got here, how in this day and age do we have to fight for our right to equality, fight for justice? 

"Where's your sign?" Sarah asked


"I dropped it when we were on the front and the bastards threw the tear gas, I couldn't see..."

"We'll just make another one for tomorrow then" she said. Bless her, she was my only white friend that was as passionate about this as me.

We pulled back a bit and decided to go and see if anyone needed help over the other end of the riots.

We get there and things are crazy, car alarms are going off, the cops are everywhere and the protesters have their signs. It was peaceful, until the cops started using violence. THEY caused this. We were handing out water to the other protesters, making sure they were okay and seeing if they needed any sort of help. 

Sarah went straight up to the cop and started shoving her sign in their faces. "ACAB" it said in big letters across the top. She started shouting 'ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS" in front of them till one of them decided to use force and push her back, she was only small yet that fucking asshole that was 3 times her size thought it was okay to lays hands on her, I was absolutely livid. 

Then all of the Sudden, before I could get to her, there HE was again. At least I think it was him. I can't tell because he's got a mask on, the same mask as the guy from earlier, he's the same height and he had those long dreads poking out... 

There he was, helping Sarah up and getting right into the faces of those cops, he even had to bend down to their level as he was so tall. I saw one of the cops take a step back. Yeah that's right you cunt, be fucking scared. not nice when someone bigger than you comes along to scare you is it? I wished there and then that the guy would beat him up but I knew he was outnumbered. 

Then came another one, around the same height, this one didn't have dreads though. Then another and another, the cops huddled closer together. Who are these guys?! The guy with the dreads turned around and I saw a print on his body armour suit. Anonymous. I ran up to Sarah pushing through the protesters to check if she was okay. 

"Are you alright?!" I asked as I reached her. She looked up at me and smiled

"I'm perfect" she said "look how scared those assholes look right now". She was right. You could see it through their visers and helmets, you could see it in their body language. I was about to move Sarah away and the guy with the dreads came over 

"I'm really not trying to sound patronising , but do you think maybe you guys could stand to the side a bit, I have no doubt in my mind that those motherfuckers have any regret for touching a girl and I dare say they wouldn't care if you ended up badly injured" The feminist in me was BLAZING, so this man thinks we can't look after ourselves? But another part of me knew he was being genuine and he didn't mean it in any other way at all than pure sincerity. "Okay, I need to get some water for her anyway" I shouted above the noise. 

He guided us over to a tree where there was a palette of water and supplies. I looked up at him, to see if some part of his face was in view, but it wasn't. He was covered head to toe in some sort of black armour suit and he had a blackout helmet on. All I could see was his hair, his brown dreadlocks with some wooden beads in them. I think he caught me staring 

"Sorry again for nearly knocking you over earlier, its fucking crazy out here" he said. I was stunned, how on earth, with everything going on, did he remember me? surely he was more caught up with the protests and what was going on. 

"oh yeah' I said shyly "Don't worry about it, it wasn't the first time its happened to me and it won't be the last" I laughed. He tilted his helmet covered head "Well I best get back, you girls drink some water and please be safe and try not to get hurt. Protest, fuck the system and fight the power but keep yourself safe whilst doing so" And with that, he ran back to the front lines.

So I sat there, stunned. Taking all of today's events in and all I can think about is this guy. This guy who is 7 feet tall, built like a machine, who picks up tear gas and throws them right back at the cops. This guy who is so respectful and sincere and a total activist. How in the hell am I so attracted to someone who's face I've never even seen?! I don't even know his name, besides, he's part of Anonymous, so I guess I'll never know. But damn, I think I'll call him Mastercheif, because that's what he is. I hope I see him again...

We eventually headed home, it was 4am and despite the danger, we know that what we did tonight was the right thing to do. We will keep protesting until we see the change we deserve. But for now, we're going to sleep then plan what we're going to do next 

Authors note: Hope you're enjoying it so far! let me know if you're wanting updates, im looking forward to this one. Leave some love and comments please 

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