CHAPTER 14 - Just kiss me - smut

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I awoke quickly. I've had a nightmare. I can't remember exactly what it was about but I felt very unsettled. I turned to see Riot asleep next to me. His chest slowly rising up and down, his breath so light and calm. He looked so peaceful and small, oh how I wish I could take that mask off to see beneath. But I can't

As gently and quietly as I could, I slid out of bed and started walking out there door 

"fuuuuu" I hissed, covering my mouth. I looked up to see if Riot had woken up but he was still sound asleep. I tripped on the box poking out from under the bed. I slid it further under the bed and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. 

I was pretty hungry but I didn't dare make something to eat incase I threw up again, or worse, Get the shits whilst Riot is here... Yep, definitely just having water. My stomach growled as I decided upon this. 

I looked at the clock hanging in my kitchen and it was only 6:55am, ugh how annoying. I should be sleeping right now, next to that perfect man in my bed.  

I moved over to the couch and wrapped the throw around me, and tried my best to remember my dream. It's weird, the harder I tried to remember, the further away the memory became. What about the box under my bed, what am I going to do about that? Do I tell Riot? What would he say? Am I even allowed to tell him though? Because Riot did say himself, he doesn't even know who the others on his team are underneath their masks and helmets. Fucking hell what do I do?

I think I must have drifted of to seep because next think I know, Riot's arms are around me and he's carrying me back to bed.

"What are you doing" I asked him, sleepily by happy 

"I'm taking you back to bed" He sounded so amused 

He put me back into bed and I asked him if he was staying, he only too happily obliged.

I turned to face him, to admire this beautiful, incredibly sexy man in my bed

"What?" he laughed 

I let out a nervous giggle "I just missed you, and I really like seeing you in my bed"

"I like being here. After not being here all this time, I really really missed it... And you" 

Oh what sweet sweet words, I could feel him looking at me through the tinted glass around his eyes. What wouldn't give to see those eyes 

"What's wrong y/n?, do you still feel sick" he asked, concerned 

"No actually. I feel so much better. Not to jinx anything but I think it may have just been a 24 hour thing really, fingers crossed though because im absolutely starving"

"Theres a first" he laughed "I'm surprised you haven't requested a coffee yet"

The thought of coffee was making me nauseous, maybe I wasn't completely better yet 

I looked back into where I imagined his eyes to be and a wave of sadness washed over me. As much as I wanted It to, things couldn't stay this way forever, could they? 

I think he could see the sadness in my eyes because he reached forward and help my chin in has hands and lifted it up 

"Baby what's wrong" he asked, empathetically 

He called me Baby, that only made me more sad. But only because I liked it so much. Usually I hate pet names, but the way Riot called me baby, it wasn't cringey or corny or stupid. It was soft and gentle, caring. Just like him. He said it with such love that I thought I could burst. 

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