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The sun shining through my bedroom curtains wakes me, ugh! Must . Get. Blackout. Blinds. I think to myself. Then all of the sudden im jolted awake with the memories of last night. I looked next to me. Where was Riot?  I looked all around the room and there was no sign he had ever been here. Did he leave again? My heart sank inside my chest.I I can't believe he would do that to me again, especially after last night... 

I looked at my alarm clock, it was 9am. Shoot, I slept in. I decided to get out of bed and just get on with my day. Maybe I'll see him tonight at the protests? I try not to get my hopes up. 

I stumbled into the kitchen to put on some coffee, and there he is. Tall and oozing with sex appeal. He almost looked too small for my kitchen. I startled 

"I thought you had left, you weren't in bed when I woke up, I thought you had gone again" I trailed up, suddenly shy

"Oh, no im sorry Y/N, I just woke up early and decided to make you some breakfast" He moved out of the way and there was a breakfast spread of pancakes, fruit salad and most importantly, Coffee

"Mmmm, gimme the coffee" I went to grab it and he chuckled 

"You don't want some real food?" he sounded amused 

"Coffee first, food after." I said bluntly. I needed my the coffee in my system to wake me up. He had used the mugs from the other night. Ha! 'Have sex and fuck the patriarchy' whoever thought  I would be doing both in the same night. I immediately blushed.

We sat down on the couch and he brought my breakfast to me. I wasn't very hungry but I feel like after all this man did for me last night, the least I could do is eat his pancakes. Mmmmm, they were sweet and fluffy and crisp on the edges, just how I liked them. 

"These are really good" I mumbled unintelligibly, my mouth half full.

"Don't speak with your mouth full" He flashes a devilish grin at me. Oh. Suddenly I didn't have an appetite for pancakes anymore, but something else entirely...

I swallowed as quickly as I could. "Sorry" I said "These are really good"

"I'm glad you think so, they're my mothers recipe." 

Did I detect a hint of sadness in his voice?

He cleared his throat. 

"Listen, Y/N. About last night"

Oh no. This is when the other shoe drops. He's going to tell me it was a mistake and that it shouldn't have happened. Fuck, what have I gotten myself in to?!

"...I really hope you don't think that's all I came here for and that I was taking advantage of you. Because I wasn't. It wasn't like that..." he trailed off 

My heart had hope, what was he saying?

" Like anyone, especially you, could take advantage of me" my inner feminist came out.

He smiled "Yeah, I can see that"

oh god, I could feel the desire building up again

"I just want you to know that I never intended this to happen but im glad it did. But god, it's complicated. I like you, Y/N."

He likes me ?!

"I knew it from when I first saw you that there was something about you. But I don't know how much further this can go. With who I am and what I do, it's complicated. We can't reveal our identity to outsiders. I wish I could have met you on a regular day, when I wasn't behind this mask, when I wasn't part of Anonymous" He let out a sigh 

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