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I saw two guys, one thinner and the other broader in Guy Fawkes masks looking right at me. Though they weren't like mine, these ones that these guys were wearing looked like those cheap novelty plastic ones you get at the halloween shop for $3 

"What do you want from me" I asked in a panic 

"We noticed someone was online trying to find out how join anonymous" said the thinner one with the creepy voice 

"I" I started "I just wanted to know what it was like, I want to be a part of this" I spluttered

"You want to be a part of this?" sneered the thinner one "I don't even think you know what this is" and he began to laugh 

"What about the texts and the FaceTime call we had? and the gift you left on my bed?" I spat 

The thinner guy looked at the broader one and they began to whisper 

"Did you call her or leave anything on her bed?" asked the thinner one 

"No, I just watched her at the store the way you told me to, I didnt do anything else" said the bigger one 

Oh fuck, These guys definitely aren't a part of anonymous in any way. A part of me is relieved because it means the talks I've had were real bit another, more urgent part of me is panicking. Who the fuck were these guys and how have they found me?

"Wait a minute, you guys aren't part of anonymous, are you...?" I asked wearily 

The skinny one laughed. 

"Clever little girl you are, what gave it away?" He asked sarcastically. "Do you know how easy it was to find you, the minute you went on to our website it gave us access to your device which gives us access to your email and phone number and we were able to find out your exact location" he let out a twisted laugh 

"But why, why would you do that? what do you want?" I pleaded

"Because" he began "We can. It's so easy to find vulnerable people like you and to find out where you live and the places you visit most. I know you saw us at the Store a couple times"

chills went down my spine.

"But what do you want" I was crying at this point 

"We haven't decided yet, but I'm sure we will soon" and he looked at the bigger guy. 

The skinny guy walked closer to me and touched my cheek with the back of his hand

"You know, you really are quite beautiful. What a shame you got mixed up with the likes of us, I'm sure many people are going to miss that pretty face..." he trailed off

My stomach dropped, my whole body went numb. They're going to kill me. They've taken me here to do god knows what to me and then kill me. How in the hell did I get in this situation, how did this happen to me. 

I've got to think of something, I have to get out of here. I looked around, I don't see anything. Theres nothing here, its just an empty warehouse. It's times like this where I really really wish I put more effort into learning to fight. 

"But why me" I asked. Maybe I can stall them, maybe Riot will find me? Please god Riot, find me...

"You were just too easy" I think I heard a smirk. "You came onto our website looking for information, not knowing how insecure your device was, we accessed it in seconds, we found out what you looked like in seconds" he sounded cocky now 

"And because you're pretty" said the bigger guy

"Yes, that too" said the skinny guy "We don't need anarchist like you in the world. We don't need people to try and make the world a better place and we especially don't need people like you trying to get rid of Racism." he spat.

shit, hes a racist

"White people are superior, always have been and always will be. Simple as. Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of coloured woman, I like to have them treat me like their master, but at the end of the day, thats what I am. I am their master. I am superior to them and I don't need the likes of you getting rid of that" he spat at my feet 

I was both terrified and blazing at the same time. Who the fuck is this backwards thinking, racist ass, sick and twisted fuck right here and what the fuck was he about to do with me?!

"So" I tried to steady my voice "Your plan is to what? Kill me so I don't try to put an end to your God complex? Your RACIST, twisted outlook on life? So you can carry on pretending you're some divine creature that god created to rule supreme over the rest of us?" I was shouting now 

They both let out a laugh that made me feel sick to my stomach.

"Yes, I suppose that sounds about right" He said, sounding a little too Happy about it. "Though, before the killing part, we might have a bit of fun first. I mean, you're already tied u-"

Before he could finish his sentence there was an explosion. I looked around and the big metal door had been blown off the hinges. My ears are ringing, I'm feeling dizzy. All of the sudden I see an abundance of armed, dark clothed people running in. Infront was a guy with a mask exactly like mine, Anonymous. Well, I suppose they were all anonymous buy they were wearing helmets instead of The Guy Fawkes mask. 

"Y/N!" I heard someone shouting, I looked behind and I see Dreadlocks flying towards me. My heart filled with Joy. Riot

"Get her out of here" The skinny guy shouted to the bigger guy

"Fucking touch her and I will make sure that I will bury your body where no one will find it, whilst you're still alive" Shouted Riot and then he punched the skinny guy straight in the face. He crumbled to the floor like paper and Riot came over to me 

"Y/N are you okay?! did they hurt you?" He asked panickedly whilst untying the ropes from me

"No, but Riot it was awful, the things they were saying..." I started to cry again. Through my tears I could see Anonymous beating the shit out of the two guys. 

"It's okay baby, I'm here. He picked me up and held me close.

 I started really crying hard now.

"Shhhh baby, it's okay. You're safe, I've got you" he kept saying over again whilst he held me tightly 

"We're going to deal with these two plague infested vermin, you take her home. We've got this." I looked up and I was face to face with Anonymous, well, the one wearing the identical mask to mine 

"Thank you" I whispered

And with that, Riot took me back to blacked out 4x4 and put me in the passenger seat. I couldn't really say anything, I just kept crying and crying. He fastened my seatbelt around me and kissed my head. I was in shock. 

I didnt know where we were going, I didnt care either. Because I was safe now, I was with Riot. He was holding my hand whilst driving and occasionally giving it a reassuring squeeze whilst tracing his thumb across mine.

I think I passed out or fell asleep or something because I woke up to him carrying me down a hallway. I started to panic 

"Shhh baby, you're okay, it's just me. I'm bringing you back to mine" He said soothingly and opened a door. I couldn't see much because the lights were all off, but he turned a corner and brought me into another room. His bedroom. He put me on the bed, under the covers and got in next to me, then put his big arm around me to pull me closer. I held on so tight, inhaling his smell. Being glad that I was safe. Glad that he had come for me and saved me from this evil guys.

"Riot" I whispered "I didnt know what was happening, I woke up and they were taking me somewhere, I'm so glad you found me, how did you find me" I started to cry again

"Shhhh, Y/N. Let's not talk about that now. You're here with me and you're safe. You need some sleep, please try and get some sleep baby, I'm not going anywhere, im right here" And he kissed me on the forehead. 

I have never felt so safe in my entire life. And with that, I fell asleep crying into his chest whilst he soothed me and stroked my hair.


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