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Im driving down the highway on my way to meet Sarah back where we were last night,  I hope she made me another sign. 


My phone notifies me that I have a text but I can't read it, damn. Whatever it is im sure its not important, or else whoever it is would have called. Soon after I arrive about a mile from where we need to be, I park up and start walking. Its crazy out here, but im not mad at it. I salute every single person out here, fighting, protesting and rioting. Fuck the authorities, for thinking they can get away with this any longer. I checked my phone, it was from Sarah.

Sorry y/n, I can't make it. I think ive got the stomach flu, I haven't been able to leave the bathroom!

Poor Sarah, I know how bad she must be for her to miss this. I quickly text her back telling her I hope she feels better and that I'll call her later. 

I hear a loud crash and I hear glass shattering, they've got into target. Thank fuck, fuck Target man. I hope every single one of their stores get looted and trashed. 

I Find a piece of old board on the ground and I pick it up. "This will do" I say to myself as I take off my backpack and pull out a marker. I begin to write "ACAB, FUCK YOU , YOU MURDEROUS PIGS".  Once I finished, I put the marker back in my bag and slung it over my shoulder and headed to the barricade of cops. I held up my sign and began chanting "FUCK COPS, END RACISM. FUCK COPS, END RACISM, FUCK COPS, END RACISM" all of the sudden, before I know it im on the ground, clutching at my hip and all I can feel is this blinding pain. What the fuck?! what just happened?! I hear a crowd of people get closer, shouting at the cops, what's happening?!  I look up but my vision is blurred, I see a crowd of people in black charge towards the pigs but I can't see very well. Fucking ow, my hip hurts so bad, what the hell

I feel a hand reach out and touch my arm 

"Are you okay?" they sounded concerned but serious. 

"My side hurts, I don't know what happened, I was just holding up my sign and chanting and then all of the sudden im on the floor, what happened?" I pleaded 

"Don't worry, I'll help you" they said 

I could feel these big strong arms wrap around me and pick me up, I felt so small and weak in these arms, who is this? I looked up and there he is, Riot. My riot gear-clad, masked wonder boy. He picked me up with such ease and now he's slightly hunched over, as to protect me. 

"How did you get here? where's your friend?" he asked 

"I drove, Sarah couldn't come tonight so I drove myself"

"Wheres your car?" he asked looking down at me.

I told him where I had parked, and he carried me all the way there, despite it being a mile. Which may not seem a lot but when you're carrying someone my weight, it can seem like a long Journey. Yet he carried me with ease, as if I was no heavier than a bag of sugar. HOT. I suddenly became very aware that this beautiful specimen of a man was holding me so close to him and I had flashbacks to my dream I had earlier this morning. I started to blush.

We got to my car and he put me in the passenger seat. 

"have you got a first aid kit?" he asked quickly

"umm, I think I have one in the back seat but I don't know, I think most of it might be back at my place. Sarah usually brings the first aid. Why do you need it anyway?"

"Are you not in pain?" he asked questionably 

oh right, now that you mentioned it, fucking owwwww. my hip was on fire, I went down to touch it and flinched. 

"what happened" I asked him 

"Those motherfuckers shot directly at you with their "Rubber Bullets" They're supposed to aim them at the floor but I saw them, they shot straight at you those sick fucks!" he spat. Wow, he sounded so angry. He got the first aid kit and he saw that there was only band aids in it. 

"These won't do, we're going to need to patch you up properly, do you want me to take you to the hospital?'" He asked, his voice firm, but so soft 

"No its fine, like I said, I have some at home so I'll just drive home and I'll sort it out."

"I don't think so lady (he laughed)  I don't think you're in any condition to drive right now. I'll drive you home, just tell me where and I'll take you."

My inner feminist woke up upon hearing this. "Umm, yeah, that's not going to happen. No offence but I just met you yesterday, I don't know anything about you apart from the fact that you're a total anarchist and and you throw live canisters back at the cops. Besides, I haven't even seen your face because you're all covered up and I don't know your name. So I think you'll forgive me and respect my decision when I say absolutely not. And one more thing, don't call me lady, my name is (Y/N)"

He laughed. It was a deep hearty laugh. my tummy fluttered. "Alright Y/N" he said whilst still laughing "I'd like to sit here and list all the reasons you should trust me, but judging from what just happened to you, I'd really like to get you some medical attention asap. And also, I don't reveal my face as me and the others I was with are part of Anonymous, so showing my face would completely defeat the purpose. As for my name, I heard someone call me Riot, so we'll go with that" he laughed again

I wanted to protest but something in me knew this man was safe, the way he carried me, I just knew it in my bones that he was safe. 

"Okay" I said through gritted teeth "fine, but im  not giving you my address, just follow my directions.

He laughed again "So stubborn" he said, then he reached down and buckled me into my seat "There, now if you're in any pain and need me to stop, just let me know" 

truth is, right there and then the pain stopped and I felt a heartbeat where I don't have a heart as his body came closer to mine 

"Just drive" I spluttered. I didn't know I had been holding my breath. 

He went round to the drivers seat and he had to pull the chair back. Normally I hate it when anyone does that when they want to drive my car, but for him, I didn't mind. It was kind of sexy really. 

"Hey, can you see through that helmet properly, are you allowed to drive with that on?" I asked curiously 

He laughed again "You can do whatever you want when you're me" I just know he had a smile on his face whilst he said that, I could hear it 

We eventually pulled up outside my house and he turned off the engine. 

"Alright, well, thank you, a lot, for helping me and getting me out of that situation. I can't believe that even happened but then again, I can. I'll put nothing past those bastards. Anyway, my first aid kit is just in there, do you want mw to call you an uber, or...?" I asked quizzically, suddenly a bit nervous

"If its alright with you, I'd like to come inside and assess your injuries. Out side of this" he moved his hands up and down against him "im actually fully trained in emergency and trauma medical  attention. So if its all the same to you, I'd really like to make sure you're okay and that a bullet hasn't fractured anything or broke the skin" he said sincerely 

Jesus Christ this man is hot. He's trained in emergency and trauma medical treatments?! what is he? in the fucking army?!

"ummmm, okay, sure." I say. I'm really nervous now, this man is coming into my house. Did I clean?! oh god, did I forget to clean? is he going to think im a slob? no no , its fine, I did. 

I walked to the front door and he followed close behind 'Alright come in" I said, he walked right through and closed the door behind him.

"Take off your pants" 

A/N: Okay you guys, its getting juicy. Please leave me some feedback! I can't wait to finish this, im getting so excited as it all unfolds inside my head!

I predict a RIOT -on going-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt