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"Fuck it" I said out loud. I dried my eyes and laughed to myself, like actually straight up laughing. I have never cried over a man, and im not about to start. Fuck it. 

I grabbed my laptop, opened the search engine and started typing "Anonymous" 

Anonymous is a decentralized international activist/hacktivist collective/movement that is widely known for its various cyber attacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations, and the Church of Scientology.

Is the first thing I see. Okay so contrary to popular belief they're not just hackers, but I guess I already knew that because Riot and the others were at the protest actually fighting back.

A link to a twitter page came up and I scrolled through. There were numerous links to pages to donate for BLM, there were tweets making fun of the president, there were even vide broadcasts on how we trusted the government to protect us from this Coronavirus but anonymous had exposed them saying they knew the severity all along but kept quiet.

I scrolled through for what seemed like hours, to a point where I ended up on a website discussing Anonymous and how to join. There was a heated discussion between a couple of accounts claiming that anyone can join Anonymous, as long as you stand for the same things. Another account had said you have to be approached, "Chosen" to be a part of it and to be involved with their plans of actions. 

Another had commented saying he was part of anonymous and you could join by making a donation to Anonymous (him) and he would let them join, but I know that was bullshit because from everything else I read, I knew for sure that that was one thing they definitely didn't do, take money.

I wish I could be a part of this. I've been an activist since I was old enough to understand right from wrong. I'm passionate about this. I cannot live in a world that is so corrupted and un-just. I will carry on fighting for the change I want to see. It will happen. it needs to happen. Because I cannot go through this life seeing innocent people being wrongfully accused because of their class or skin colour. I cannot bring a child into this world and worry for their safety as they're growing up. Worry that they might be out one evening and just so happen to come across a cop who decided he was going to be in a bad mood that day. This needs to end, and it needs to end now. 

I need coffee. I closed my laptop and made my way to the kitchen. I turned the machine on and decided I needed something to eat too, fuck. I've got nothing in. I looked at the cold day old pizza on the counter and thought 'fuck it'. I Shoved it in the microwave and set it on for 2 minutes. I grabbed my pizza and my coffee and made my way to the couch.

It's late but not late enough to sleep, so I decided to watch something on Netflix. 

"ick, definitely not" I said as Netflix appeared on the screen with 'Continue watching' for The vampire diaries. I don't want to see Damon and Elena's troubled romance right now, thank you very much.

oooooh, How about V for Vendetta? I haven't watched that since I was about 13 and I can't really remember it very well but I do know it is about some vigilante, Guy Fawkes? and the British Parliament. Right I think to myself, V For Vendetta it is. I settled back into the couch and press play. 

"I have witnessed firsthand the power of ideas. I've seen people kill in the name of them. But you cannot kiss an idea... cannot touch it or hold it. Ideas do not bleed. They do not feel pain. They do not love. And it is not an idea that I miss. It is a man. A man that made me remember the 5th of November. A man that I will never forget." 

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