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I can tell he's getting into it. His tutting and sighing has slowly turned into gasps, though I know for sure if I bring it up he'll deny it.

My phone buzzes, I picked it up expecting it to be a text from Sarah but it was from a blocked number 

We'll be in touch soon. We trust that you will not tell another about this. Expect us.

I put my phone down quickly incase Riot had seen 

"Everything alright?" he asked curiously

"Yeah its fine, Sarah was just updating me on some girly things I lied. Liar I thought to myself. How am I expected to keep this from Riot? I felt like it was getting a bit big for me.

*Beep Beep* His pager started flashing again. He looked down to check then back at me 

"I'm so sorry baby, I've got to go" he sounded so regretful "I can't ignore this"

I was curious, but I didn't ask. I'm not going to lie, it'd be nice to have a little bit of thinking space after I received that text, plus he had been here for like two days.

"That's okay, I understand that you have to go" I smiled at him "Just remember to come back to me and try not to be away for so long this time, I don't like missing you"

"You know what the say" he said with a smile "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" and with that, he leant down to kiss me on the forehead and left. 

Am I a bad person for feeling a slight sense of relief? Not because I was glad he was gone, god no. These two days with riot had been better than any before, even if I was sick. But with him being gone, it means that I don't have to lie to him, and I need to be alone for Anonymous to get in contact.

I walked around my house anxiously. Are they going to call today? Gahh these anonymous members were unpredictable as hell and it had me on edge, though I understand why they had to be.

I took the box out from under my bed and had a look at it again. Was I expected to wear this at all times? or was I going to have something like Riot? Wait a minute. What do they want me for? I ended up talking myself into a panic. Ugh I need food. 

I went looking through my cupboards, what do I want? hmmmm I thought to myself. Popcorn. Thats what I want, popcorn. I mean, its not a meal but fuck it. Luckily I have the microwavable kind , so I just shoed it in there and only had to wait two minutes for it to be done.

I sat back down on the couch and tried to find something to watch. Well I can't watch Vampire Diaries without Riot anymore, so now we have to watch something else. Ooh, 'Deadly Women' That'll do. I pressed play not knowing what to expect really. Before I know it I'm 3 episodes deep with butter all over my face. This documentary didn't have much of a budget but it was very informative, I couldn't stop watching 

My phone starts ringing. I stopped dead in my tracks, I look to see and its a FaceTime call. I quickly wipe my face off the bottom of my t-shirt and press pause. I answer the call and Suddenly I'm face to face with a mask identical to the one in my bedroom 

"Hello Y/N, I trust you're alone right now" The person says 

holy shit, I'm talking face to face with Anonymous! well not face to face in person but good enough 

I cleared my throat "Um yeah, sorry I just, im a little nervous" I let out a nervous laugh 

"Theres no need to be nervous, we're all here for the same reason. We understand that you're interested in joining Anonymous, is that right?"

"Yes" I blurted out "I've been trying to research to find out how-" I stopped, of course they know that already, thats how they found me 

"We've noticed. We did an extensive background check and I have to say, you're activism work has been very impressive."

I let out another nervous laugh "Yeah, Activism has been very important to me for as long as I remember. There needs to be a change and we the people need to stand together to make it happen"

"So tell me, did you receive your gift?" They asked 

"Yes!its in a box hidden under my bed. If im honest I really don't entirely know what to do with it right now" I said shyly 

"That, is for you to do withers you please. You may wear that when you are to do what you're doing or what we request you to do"

what they request me to do?

"What will you be requesting me to do" I asked , intrigued

"We will get to that when it is important. But for now I would like to welcome you to Anonymous. Remember, no one can know that you are a part of this. If someone is to see to see you in your mask, they cannot know your real identity, for your own safety and protection, Not even other members that you will inevitably meet" 

I felt like they were referring to the fact that I was with Riot and that he could never know.

"So we would advise you to create a new persona, a new identity. A new name." they continued. 

"Okay" I said slowly, trying to take everything in. "What do I do now?" I asked 

"For now, continue as you were. Pretend this didnt happen and just do whatever you were doing. We'll be in touch with ore information on what position you have been given and what is expected of you. And remember; We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us"

And with that, the call had ended. I sat staring at the blank screen trying to grasp what had just happened. I have literally just facetimed Anonymous and they have accepted me as a part of their movement. How did this happen?! this is crazy! But I can't tell anyone. How am I supposed to hide this from Riot? Surely he's going to figure it out, especially if im going to be as busy and unpredictable as him... fuck. 

I'm going to have to make something up, a new job maybe? The office opened back up and I now have a bigger column to write and I am obliged to work in the office instead of at home like I always do? No that wont work, it wont cover the unpredictability. I'm sure I'll think of something. But for now? for now I can feel the reality set in and I can feel the excitement building. All my work and and fighting has lead me here, to be a part of this. Something bigger and stronger than me, something that I have 100% no doubt in. Something that will make this world a better place and I am a part of it. I can't believe it.

I walked into my bedroom and pulled the box out from under the bed. I picked up the mask and walked over to the mirror. I lifted it up to my face and tied the ribbons behind my head, I then pulled up my hod and stared at my reflection. This is me. This is who I am now. When wearing this mask I can no longer be (Y/N) so who am I? I need a strong name, a name that gives lets people know what I stand for, to let those know that I may be a woman but I will die fighting for what I believe in.

And then it finally hit me, I looked back into the mirror, straight into my own eyes 



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