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I have never felt more strong or profound than I have in this exact moment. I can't even begin to describe the sense of Euphoria Im feeling, I finally felt like I'm exactly who I'm supposed to be and doing exactly what I was made to do. I'm a part of something bigger than we can imagine, bigger than the government can account for and I am lost for words. I am Athena, and will do everything I can to make this world a better place.

I haven't been given instruction as of yet, but I felt like I needed to do something. Should I go to a protest tonight? I was feeling a bit better and it meant I could wear my mask... But then again, maybe they want me to do something else? Im so unsure as of what to do. 

In the end I settled for a trip to the store. I still wasn't feeling 100% so i thought it should pick up some tea and just relax for the night whilst I tried to flush this sickness and lethargy out of my system. So I jumped in my car and off I went. I only had to drive for about 10 minutes as there wasn't much traffic tonight. I pulled into the parking lot, it was getting dark now, not that I minded but I was getting a bit tired so I decided it was gonna be a quick trip as I wanted to get home to my couch. 

I grabbed a cart and went around the store to look for what I needed, it was kind of quiet tonight. In the end I picked up some British Breakfast tea, milk and a tub of ben and Jerrys to go with it because why not, ya girl was needing a pick me up. I grabbed the ice cream and headed ti the checkout to pay but I got the feeling someone was watching me. I turned around and couldn't see anyone so I decided it was nothing and paid for my things then walked out to my car. When I got into my car and was ready to set off, the headlights switched on an there, down past a couple of cars I could see the hooded figure. I was freaked the fuck out, I have to get home.

I sped home and as soon as I got there I locked the doors behind me and put the chain on the door. I was seriously freaked out, who the fuck was that? Surely its not anonymous, why would they be doing that?

I looked at the sofa, my mask was on it. What? surely I left it in the box on the floor and not on top of it? I could've sworn that I did... I looked around the living room and I felt silly doing it but I checked all over my house just to calm myself. I looked under the bed, behind the doors, everywhere and there was no one here. 

"You're such an idiot:" I said to myself out loud. I was thought wasnt it. Ofcourse theres nobody here. I decided that because of the excitement I just thought I put the mask in the box next to the couch but I actually left it on the couch before I left. Why did I have to scare myself like this for, everythings fine.

I went to the kitchen to make my tea, I really needed it  right about now. I made the tea and got a spoon from the drawer and headed into the living room with my tea and ice cream. I wrapped myself back up in my throw 

"Alright, lets go" I said outlaud to myself "Lets see who's next" I couldn't wait to watch the next episode of 'Deadly Women' it was sooo interesting finding out what all these women in history did.

I can't believe the woman in this episode im watching, well she's a woman now, she was a girl who she committed the crimes. Anyway, she's out of prison and has a whole new identity and a family???? I wonder if her family knows? or if she's the only one that knows. How insane? It got me to thinking about if there was a lot more cases like this, someone has committed homocide and were then released and given a new identity to protect them, what if there was one in my area? No don't be silly you idiot. Of course there wasn't. 

I finished the episodes and decided I was way too tired to watch another episode so I switched off the tv and pul my cup in the kitchen and the ice cream in the freezer. I walked into the bathroom to pee and I needed to wash my face, I looked in the mirror. I really should be doing my night time skin routine right now but honestly I'm much too tired. So I just splashed it with water and headed in to bed. 

God I was exhausted, why am I so drained lately. This stomach flu was kicking my ass. I wasnt nauseous anymore but my body felt so ran down. Plus the sex with Riot probably wasnt helping either. Although if he was here in bed with me right ow, I wouldn't say no. I laughed out loud, I was so horny lately, I'm absolutely shattered and ready to sleep and here I am thinking that if Riot was here I definitely wouldn't be sleeping. I yawned and then thought to myself, on second thought, a cuddle in his big strong arms wouldn't be so bad either actually. I already miss him, I wonder when he'll be back?

I fell asleep thinking about Riot, I couldn't wait to see him again.

"Don't fucking wake her up" hissed a voice

"I'm not, im doing as you fucking asked" said another 

What? I tried to open my eyes to see what was going on but it was dark, I couldn't see properly. I was being carried somewhere. What the fuck?! I started to panic. I didnt know whether to scream or stay deadly quiet, I was frozen with fear 

"Oh, would you look at that. She's woken up now" said a voice. I didnt like it, it sounded like it, it sounded creepy.

I couldn't help but let out a scream but a gloved hand covered my mouth to stifle the sounds.

"Be quiet" one of the voices hissed at me. I couldn't help but Strat crying, I was terrified. Where the fuck am I and who are these people?! I couldn't see anything and then all of the sudden I was put inside the back of a van I think. One of the guys covered my eyes with a piece of cloth and kept his hand over my mouth whilst I heard the engine start.

Please be a dream, please be a dream, please be a dream I sobbed to myself. I couldn't make a noise or see anything. Fuck, this is it. I'm going to fucking die.

After I don't know how long, I felt the van stop and the front driver door open and footsteps walking around and then I heard the back doors open.

"Bring her out here" said the creepy voice, this person was obviously in charge and the other was just a lackey.

I was shoved out of the back of the van, still blindfolded and still with the other guys hand around my mouth. 

"Sit her there, I'll get the ropes" 

I was shoved into a chair, where am I?! Oh Riot, I wish you were here, please help me I cried to myself. I felt the ropes around me, they were pulling them tightly, it hurt.

"You can let her go now" Said the one in charge.

The other guy let go of my mouth and I let out a merciful scream but I could hear the guys laughing 

"Theres no point screaming love, no ones gonna hear you" He said whilst laughing "Go take off her blindfold"

The other guy was shuffling behind me and untied the blindfold I looked up and I saw


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