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For the first time, he held me. Like really really held me. He was holding me so close I could feel his heart beat.  This is heaven. We just laid in bed, not talking, not moving, not anything. Just together enjoying the silence. 

What I'd just experienced with Riot was something that I haven't experienced with anyone else before. And I know how that sounds, but its true . I felt it right down to the core of my body, in my bones. For someone who has been in my life for a short amount of time, he has certainly made a big impact and I know for a fact that I simply cannot lose him.

"What are you thinking" he finally breaks the silence and moves a piece of hair from my face 

"Just about how much im enjoying this. Its really nice to just lay here in your arms and to be able to stay in a comfortable silence" I smiled at him

"I know what you mean, its hard to find someone you can sit in a comfortable silence with and enjoy it. This is more than nice baby, its perfect" And then he kissed me on the forehead.

Please tell me this isn't one sided. Please God tell me he's falling the way I am. Please.

"I'd say its been about 24 hours since you've last eaten, are you hungry?" 

"You know what, I'm starving" I wasn't lying, I was absolutely ravenous.

"Thats what I like to hear" he sounded so happy "Stay right there, I'll make you some breakfast in bed. Is that okay??" he asked 

"That would be great actually" I sat up and smiled 

He got out of bed and headed into the kitchen, I could hear him rustling through the cupboards and fridge 

"I see you finally went grocery shopping and actually have some food in!" he shouted from the kitchen. He seemed so cheerful today, I liked it.

Suddenly i had flashbacks to when I was at the store, and the person in the hoodie. Do I tell Riot? What would I even say?  "Umm yeah by the way this really weird thing happened at the store the other day, some person in a hoodie was like lowkey following me around and it really freaked me out" I couldn't  do that, what if it was a member of anonymous? And what about the mask under my bed? If I told him I thought I was being followed my a member of anonymous id have to tell him about the mask too, would I not?

That being said, im not sure. Something isn't entirely sitting right and I feel like the person wasn't anonymous. 

I put the thought out of my head as it was making me feel uneasy. 

God I wish Riot would hurry up with breakfast, im sooooo hungry. As soon as I had the thought, my stomach rumbled.

I quickly stumbled out of bed to check myself in the mirror. I was flushed. My hair was an absolute mess. But I looked happy, I was glowing. 

I heard the clinking of cutlery on plates and footsteps so I jumped back into bed. In came riot with a tray. I couldn't see his ace but by the way he was standing I could tell he was pleased with himself.

"Your breakfast, M'lady" He sounded so goofy but I loved it 

He set the tray down on my lap and sat next to me. There were so many things to choose from. Fruit salads, toast, bacon, eggs, pancakes and even bagels. This man had used the entire contents of my pantry to make this but im not complaining, I was starving. Besides, no ones ever made me breakfast in bed before. 

We laid in bed and ate the food and started talking about our favourite places to eat 

"Actually" he said "My favourite place was this small diner that's tucked away. The sort of place you stumble upon accidentally, you know? Like you'd never know it was there sort of thing"

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