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I'm frantic. Is this real? Is this a prank? I went to text the number back 

"Who is this" I hit sent but the message bounced. I can't text or call it. What do I do?

By this time I'm pacing my room, what do I do? Is this Anonymous? Like for real? I stopped in my tracks.

What do they want from me ? Have they found out about me and Riot? have they seen my search history and seen that I was curious about joining? either way, im panicking. I don't know what this means and that this entails. What if they want me to join and I can't back out? do I really want this?

I have to sit down for a minute, the panic and pacing has made me dizzy. I take a deep breath and try to collect my thoughts. The panic starts to wear off and im left thinking; This isn't necessarily a bad thing? After all, I did shout at Riot earlier, saying how I wanted to be a part of it... 

"Okay" I sad outloud, incase my phone was listening. I can't be too careful now. I then proceeded to switch my phone off and put it in the bedside drawer, I'm a little freaked out.

I woke up feeing oddly refreshed,  decided to have a quick shower to start the day right. I turned my phone on before I got in, Nothing. I went to re-read the message I got last night. It was gone. Thats weird. Where did the message go? I start to doubt that it ever happened at all. I must have imagined it or dreamt it. Thats what I get for spending hours researching them and watching a Classic anarchist movie, I've imagined I'm now a part of it. 

I sighed, for a minute there I was enjoying the idea of possibly being considered a member. I showered quickly and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. Great, it looks like im out of coffee. 

"Fuck it" I exclaimed, im going to the grocery store. I grab my keys and I head out the door. 

On my drive over I can't help but think of Riot. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning, I miss him. I still feel so guilty the way I acted. What if he took that as me not wanting to see him again? its not like I can text him and say sorry.

I pull up to the store and I quickly park up grab a shopping cart and run inside. First things first, Coffee! I head down the hot drinks aisle and pick up my usually brand of coffee but I see another flavour that catches my eye 

"Salted caramel"I suggest to myself "hmm" usually I would never. I'm a straight black coffee girl and the thought of something sweet like this would sicken me but apparently today im really feeling it. I put it in the cart alongside my regular and I push on. As I'm walking through the store, I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I looked around but this Aisle was empty. I could feel it. I turned the corner and theres a hooded figure In black, they turn away as I walk up the aisle and move to another. How strange

I finished getting everything I needed and headed to the checkout to pay. As i'm queuing I can see the hooded person from the corner of my eye. I look around and they were gone. Okay this is definitely very strange. I quick paid for my groceries and left. I headed back to my car and loaded the trunk and jump in the front as soon as I could, I just wanted to go home. As I pull out of the parking space, there, about 10 cars down was the hooded person, just standing there. I had to leave. I stepped on the gas and tried to get home as fast as I could. 

Once I get home I feel more relaxed. That's better, thought to myself. Ooh, time to try my new coffee! I switched on the machine and waited for it all to start up. I was really craving this even though I had never had it before. I filled some out for myself and as I had hoped, it was delicious. 

I decided to give Sarah a call, I hadn't heard from her in a few days.

"Hey bitch, where you been" she said as soon as she answered. She sounded so happy 

"Hey, yeah im sorry I've just been so busy and out of it lately. I'm exhausted" I sighed 

"Oh babe, I know. Everything is gone to absolute shit and you've been out there, protesting and doing your part better than anyone I know, you need a break!"

We chatted for a while, I was so close to telling her about Riot. What would she say? She would think I was crazy for sure. I decided not to, besides, whats to tell? I slept with a masked guy I met at a protest, im falling involve with him after like a week and now I don't even know where he is? No, ill keep it to myself. 

I make excuses and tell her I have to go. I'm exhausted, really I am. 

I made myself some dinner of spaghetti, I wasn't in the mood for anything big. I sat down and watched the news, they're still talking about the event of part of the wall being blown up trying to make it seem like some sort of terrorist attack still. God, I wish they'd stop. They're making up lies and twisting everything, trying to make everyone afraid. The people aren't the ones to be afraid of, its the Government and their corrupt ways. 

I turned the Tv off because I was getting pissed off. Fuck this. I started searching Anonymous on my phone again. Or more specifically 'How to join anonymous' as my dream last night has convinced me that this is really what I want, I'm ready for it. 

No such luck. It was the same stuff I read yesterday. I get that Anonymous are de-centralized but I really makes finding out information and getting in contact difficult. Which, I suppose is the entire point. Damn it. Whats a girl gotta do to fucking be a part of something to make this world a better place? I wish I had someone to talk to about this. I wonder if Riot will be at the protests this weekend? I need to talk to him. No bitch, you just want to see him again and take him home, I thought to myself. I mean, yeah, I want that. But I do need to talk to him.

I head into my bedroom to get changed into my pyjamas, I absolutely hate wearing clothes. 

I stopped.

Theres was a box on my bed

I didnt put that there...

I started to panic as I remembered the hooded person at the store today, what if they followed me home?! But that's impossible, I was home so fast and I would have seen them come into the house as I was in the front room pretty much since I came home? I shook my head. It definitely couldn't be that person. 

A surge of excitement splashed through me, Maybe it was Riot?! maybe he had come over whilst I was out at the store and wanted to talk?

I opened the box and there was a letter on top of some tissue paper. 

We've noticed your interest in us and your desire to contact us.                                                         Please do not think that your extensive activist reputation has gone un-noticed, because we can assure you, it certainly hasn't. 

We've been watching you.                                                                                                                                         Expect us

I lifted the tissue paper and there was a Guy Fawkes mask waiting for me. 

I knew it! I knew I didn't dream it. Does this mean that they have accepted me and welcomed me? 

Am I.... Anonymous?


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